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Ever since I heard about Project 5: Sightseer [Steam] after searching for games, I can't hold in my excitement about this open-world sandbox game. It's a little on the different side!

From Tasharen Entertainment Inc., who created the rather nice Windward which also supports Linux. It seems they will continue their Linux support thanks to the Unity game engine.

You start off with nothing but a scanner and a mining laser in a location of your choice. From there, you venture out into the persistent world to make a name for yourself. What really piqued my interest, is that unlike most other sandbox games, the resources are finite, meaning you need to explore and craft certain items as not everything is found naturally in the world.

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Like a few other sandbox games, if you're playing it online, your vehicle will not just vanish when you log off. This means building a safe outpost will be quite essential. It's a fun feature in games like Rust and I imagine it will be just as interesting here too. It will have some sort of factions system too, so you can group up for protection.

The good news is that it's not online-only, it fully supports offline play and custom servers. There's also a creative mode, for those who like to explore and create without the hassle of survival. This means it's a real possibility we will host a server for it, providing it's as interesting as the trailer shows it to be.

I will be honest, at release this game might consume me. I've reached out for review keys, let's hope the developer us kind enough to send some over so we can give it some thoughts and likely some livestreams on our Twitch channel.

It's due for release into Early Access on December 4th, so not long to wait to find out!

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Xpander Nov 27, 2017
very interesting. hope it has enough content though.
will keep my eye on it :P
ObsidianBlk Nov 27, 2017
This looks pretty awesome, but I'm wondering if its always from the perspective of a vehicle. If it is, I'm not sure the game would hold my interest for long.
Gobo Nov 27, 2017
Looks like a visual upgrade to Eco.
Kuduzkehpan Nov 27, 2017
it seems legit to me both in graphic and the idea of exploration. But i hope they implement not only travel harvest. deeper the game better the userbase.
Beamboom Nov 27, 2017
Looks like a very worthy contester for the spot currently held by 7 Days To Die!

Edit: uh wait... No character, only vehicles? Whyyyy?!

Last edited by Beamboom on 27 November 2017 at 4:42 pm UTC
lucifertdark Nov 27, 2017
Quoting: GoboLooks like a visual upgrade to Eco.
Don't you mean Minecraft with superior graphics? I'm betting there's a lot more to it than Minecraft though. :D
devland Nov 27, 2017
Misleading title. The game is not being "released". The early access campaign is being started and final product will differ greatly if it will even get finished.

Please stop labeling early access campaigns as "releases".
Cyril Nov 27, 2017
I've created the wishlist on GOG, but they release Windward on it, so no worries i think.
This looks awesome !
scaine Nov 27, 2017
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Quoting: devlandMisleading title. The game is not being "released". The early access campaign is being started and final product will differ greatly if it will even get finished.

Please stop labeling early access campaigns as "releases".

There's a giant orange "EARLY ACCESS" tag on the main page, and again at the bottom of the article. The title itself doesn't need to make the distinction - indeed, if it did, it would probably muddy up searching the site as so many titles would include the words.

I don't care for Early Access either 9 times out of 10, but I do like to see what's coming down the road.
devland Nov 27, 2017
QuoteThere's a giant orange "EARLY ACCESS" tag on the main page

The reddit post also has no tags, only the title which is very misleading.

Last edited by devland on 27 November 2017 at 7:39 pm UTC
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