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Trüberbrook, a beautiful adventure game with Linux support, is on Kickstarter

By - | Views: 17,034

This story-driven adventure game set in 1960s Germany places you in the role of a young scientist who finds himself having to save the world.

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As you can see from the above trailer, Trüberbrook [Official Site] looks simply wonderful with hand-made backgrounds and careful attention to detail in its visuals. It’s slated to be a type of point and click adventure game with a streamlined interface.

The story places the protagonist and young nerdy scientist, Hans Tannhauser, in an idyllic location in a remote part of Germany in the 1960s. Things are not all quite as they might seem and things escalate into what will hopefully be an interesting adventure.

You can click below to see all of the promised features:

Official Features
  • Suspense! Mystery! Thrills! After all, it's a single player sci-fi mystery adventure game. We want to keep you entertained!
  • Join American student Tannhauser, stranger in a strange land
  • Set in cold-war rural Germany in the late 1960s
  • Inspired by Twin Peaks, The X-Files, Stranger Things & Star Trek
  • Indulge in universal themes such as love, friendship, loyalty, self-discovery and dinosaurs
  • Handmade miniature scenery!
  • English and German localization with full voice acting!
  • Atmospheric, moody soundtrack
  • Coming to Windows, Mac, Linux, Xbox One, PlayStation®4 & Nintendo Switch
  • A likely mobile port later!
  • Up to 10 hours of super exciting gameplay!
  • Release scheduled for late 2018 – not the longest wait!


If you’re interested in finding out more about the project or backing it, you can do so at its Kickstarter page. Backers can get the final product through Steam or DRM-free.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
About the author -
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History, sci-fi, technology, cooking, writing and playing games are things I enjoy very much. I'm always keen to try different genres of games and discover all the gems out there.

Oh and the name doesn't mean anything but coincidentally could be pronounced as "Buttery" which suits me just fine.
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Eike Nov 14, 2017
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  • Supporter Plus
Now that sounds and looks very interesting!
I'm very reluctant to do Kickstarter support for anybody, though.
Arehandoro Nov 14, 2017
A bit of light and uniqueness in the adventure world! Hurray! Though every time I get more reluctant of KickStarter, not sure if I should back it.
Eike Nov 14, 2017
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  • Supporter Plus
@BTRE: Thanks for your articles! Sometimes, I find them quite... indie :), but there are surely pearls I would have missed (like this one).
bjomal Nov 14, 2017
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Thanx for the tip. I'm now a backer :-)
fabertawe Nov 14, 2017
This looks stunning! I won't do any more Kickstarters though but will be wishlisting.

Last edited by fabertawe on 14 November 2017 at 3:17 pm UTC
damarrin Nov 14, 2017
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2:35: we are a major platform! ;-)
BTRE Nov 14, 2017
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  • Contributing Editor
Quoting: Eike@BTRE: Thanks for your articles! Sometimes, I find them quite... indie :), but there are surely pearls I would have missed (like this one).
Sometimes I write about stuff that I really want to talk about, sometimes I write about stuff that really needs doing. Other times about things that would otherwise fall through the cracks because GOL doesn't always have the manpower to cover every single game and release. We try to cover all the things that are submitted but it's not always possible.

More to the point: these past few days I've mostly been covering for Liam, who has been busy moving and has had limited internet and computer time. Your thanks is still very appreciated! :D
Salvatos Nov 14, 2017
Now this looks different. Really liking the set design and the resulting camera work. Bookmarking the KS for now, might throw a few bucks their way but it's more expensive than I usually pay for video games and I already have a backlog, so we'll see if they need extra encouragement.
Phlebiac Nov 14, 2017
Quoting: SalvatosBookmarking the KS for now, might throw a few bucks their way but it's more expensive than I usually pay for video games and I already have a backlog

My thoughts exactly; if there were a pledge at half the cost, I would have immediately jumped on it, but it's a bit high.
Plintslîcho Nov 14, 2017
Holy cow, this looks amazing!

I'm tempted to back this project up...
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