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VP's ARMA 3 1.76 beta now out, compatible with Windows for now

By - | Views: 20,314

Virtual Programming has released a new version of their ARMA 3 beta which brings the game in sync with the Windows version for the first time. The new beta also provides support for the Laws of War DLC.

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As stated by Bohemia Interactive themselves, this means the game is at least temporarily compatible with the Windows version when it comes to multiplayer. However, there are no guarantees that the Linux port will remain in sync with the Windows version when the game next updates. This also apparently does not lift the beta status of the ports, meaning they are still considered experimental.

If you already purchased the ARMA 3 port then this should be fairly good news to you, since you will now have a chance at playing on the more mainstream multiplayer servers. But, like I pointed out, there are no guarantees and considering how long it has taken for the port to catch up to the Windows version I don't think this will be something that will convince you to buy the game if you hadn't already. Time will tell whether or not the Linux port will remain adequately in sync with the Windows releases for multiplayer to remain compatible.

If you want to check out ARMA 3 you can find it on Steam.

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I'm a Linux gamer from Finland. I like reading, long walks on the beach, dying repeatedly in roguelikes and ripping and tearing in FPS games. I also sometimes write code and sometimes that includes hobbyist game development.
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tom34 Nov 13, 2017
Quoting: 1xokThere is no steamos icon. But if I buy it I can play it on my Linux box?
Yes, with some limitations (read my comments here).

Read more here:

Last edited by tom34 on 13 November 2017 at 10:31 pm UTC
TheRiddick Nov 14, 2017
So close, so very close.
nadrolinux Nov 14, 2017
Great info! It's time to buy Laws of War!
cRaZy-bisCuiT Nov 14, 2017
Since they don't dedicate to Linux completely I skip Arma. If they can guarantee me version parity with Windows I might consider it.

Like this I'd be better of using Wine instead of the non-native port.
Brisse Nov 14, 2017

Gained 3% better performance in the CPU-heavy "Yet Another Arma Benchmark".

Getting about the same numbers I had on Windows 10 before abandoning it early 2017.

Last edited by Brisse on 14 November 2017 at 11:17 am UTC
GBee Nov 14, 2017
Quoting: scaineWell, we can agree to differ. VP released their latest beta. We appear to quibbling over an implied distinction between "released" and "published".

iPhones are assembled by Foxconn in China. When a new iPhone is released, you don't see anyone saying that Foxconn have released a new iPhone.

Quoting: scaineThat clarification leaves me wondering how they make money on this, then? You're suggesting that each time VP release a new beta, Bohemia are saying "thanks, now here's more money to do a new version"?
Or is it "do a beta, then another, indefinitely, until we're happy - here's a flat fee"?

We can't know their exact terms, but the former are the usual terms, they quote based on an agreed upon set of requirements. Any change to those original requirements are change requests and are billed accordingly, any new work after the requirements have been met and delivered are treated as new work with a new quote. I've been on both sides of that equation, though not for games but software in general.

Quoting: scaineCos the former costs Bohemia money each time, while latter is obviously never going to happen! And if it's former, well done Bohemia, right? Because they're not advertising this, and they describe it as complementary service, making it clear that you're buying a Windows game and this is the best they can do.
Kind of surprising.

Yes It's costing Bohemia, and it's not going to be cheap either. I would suggest they are doing this because some of the current BI team are linux users themselves and this is partly a passion project (Besides which, right from the release of OpFlash in 2001 a portion of the community has been asking for linux support). However their larger motivation is probably a question of testing the waters, seeing whether porting their games is even doable, those of us playing the game under linux are in effect beta testers. Assuming the results of the experiment are good, we might expect to see their future games come to our platform.
Brisse Nov 14, 2017
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: cRaZy-bisCuiTSince they don't dedicate to Linux completely I skip Arma. If they can guarantee me version parity with Windows I might consider it.

Like this I'd be better of using Wine instead of the non-native port.

So you're saying you would rather run the Windows version under Wine, because the port is non-native ?
Anyone else see the irony here ? :><:

Also, they're not going to dedicate to Linux when people arent buying it!!

Also, it doesn't work in Wine. So there's that :)
TheRiddick Nov 14, 2017
They may also want to release ARMA 4 for Mac and Linux in the future and having some experience before that happens is always a good thing.
14 Nov 14, 2017
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Since I already own the game and my Windows friends set their games to the legacyports version, I'm just happy to get our games patched up. :) The only problem I have is the game wants more than my 8 GB of RAM, so I have to make sure my swap is on... and the game doesn't gracefully switch to using swap when it needs it.

Last edited by 14 on 14 November 2017 at 1:23 pm UTC
freerunnerlive Nov 14, 2017
Does malden map working?
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