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The MMO Project: Gorgon [Steam, Official Site] has officially entered Early Access on Steam and they've even put out day-1 Linux support.

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It's the same MMO I wrote about having an experimental Linux version back in January, it turns out they later decided to make sure Linux was a fully supported platform in a dev post:

Previously I'd said that the initial rollout on Steam would only be for Windows and Mac, and that Linux users would be unable to play for a while until the Linux version was ready. That's dumb and we aren't going to do that. Instead, we just delayed the Steam launch until it was ready on all three platforms. So when the game is for sale on Steam, it will be for sale for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Well then—that's actually awesome, makes me very happy and makes their game certainly worth supporting. It's fantastic to see more new MMOs arrive on Linux, as it's a genre we've traditionally been starved for.

About the game:

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) featuring an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We don't guide you through a world on rails, and as a result, there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill-based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

I was personally quite impressed with the early build I tested, which has no doubt seen plenty of improvements over the last few months leading to the EA release today. 

It's usually £30.99, but they have a 25% off sale going until March 19th so now is a good time to grab it. Will you be grabbing it? We've reached out for review keys, hopefully we can cover it in more detail and livestream it soon.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Nezchan Mar 13, 2018
Quoting: Kimyrielle
Quoting: EMO GANGSTERcan they release one MMO on Linux that doesn't look like AIDS

Indie studios generally don't have the resources to make a game look good. Any game. Which is why you see so many pixel art and cartoon style games, which they sell to you as "retro", which arguably sounds better than "outdated".

Also, because WoW is the most successful MMO in history, and WoW had infantile cartoon art. Conclusion: All MMOs need infantile cartoon art to be successful!

It's also important to note that most of the work in this game was done by two people. With possibly a third who came on board more recently from what I gather. That's quite the achievement, even if the visual assets still need work (which they might get during the EA period).

The swipe at WoW is kind of childish, though. They gave their MMO a style consistent with the successful series of games it was based on, not because they weren't mature enough to make proper "realistic" art. If anything, I find a lot of what you might consider "mature" realistic stuff to be pretty boring to look at.
Beamboom Mar 13, 2018
Quoting: psycho_driverIt's a husband/wife team who have worked on some of the older heavy hitter MMOs.

Ah - it's that game, alright. Quite easy to feel a good deal of empathy for them of course.

But still... Do they make the engine from scratch too?
Viktualius Mar 13, 2018
Hmmm... I think I will try it out. I was searching for a PVE-based MMORPG on linux for years now. The reviews on Youtube sound rather good actually. (Great depth, real puzzles and exploration, which is, in my opinion, way more important than graphics...)
Tchey Mar 13, 2018
A lot of us (backers from Kickstarter or Indigogo) are waiting for our keys, and i guess when they are received, you will see a pack of suddenly very positve reviews on Steam.
Nezchan Mar 13, 2018
Regarding graphics, from the Steam page:

QuoteIn addition, the full version will have improved graphics, additional character customization, and be much more optimized for performance.

So they recognize it's not a beauty to look at right now and plan to work on that.
Keyrock Mar 13, 2018
I will wait for the full version, but I am hopeful this will finally be the MMO us Linux gamers have been waiting for. I can deal with 1998 graphics if the story and quests are compelling and there is room for honest to goodness roleplay.
Trinexx Mar 14, 2018
It's a bit rough around the edges, and considerably more "hardcore" than most MMOs, but it's a damn fine game. It scratches an itch I've had since Ultima Online.

If you were let down by Shroud of the Avatar, I cannot recommend this game enough.
Phlebiac Mar 14, 2018
Quoting: TcheyA lot of us (backers from Kickstarter or Indigogo) are waiting for our keys, and i guess when they are received, you will see a pack of suddenly very positve reviews on Steam.

Doesn't Steam hide such reviews by default? I seem to recall it now prioritizes reviews from people who purchased directly on Steam, as a means of combating "free keys for positive reviews".
psycho_driver Mar 14, 2018
Quoting: Beamboom
Quoting: psycho_driverIt's a husband/wife team who have worked on some of the older heavy hitter MMOs.

Ah - it's that game, alright. Quite easy to feel a good deal of empathy for them of course.

But still... Do they make the engine from scratch too?

I'm pretty sure it's Unity underneath the hood.
Beamboom Mar 14, 2018
Quoting: psycho_driverI'm pretty sure it's Unity underneath the hood.

I agree. And then we're back to square one, as far as I am concerned. It doesn't have to look like this.
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