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Helium Rain [Steam, Official Site], the gorgeous space sim from Deimos Games is really quite good so it's a shame they've seen such low overall sales. In total, they've had around 14,000€ (~$17,000) in sales which is not a lot for a game at all.

The good news, is that out of the two thousand copies they say they've sold, a huge 14% of them have come from Linux. It's worth noting, that number has actually gone up since we last spoke to them, where they gave us a figure of 11% sales on Linux.

They also said this, which was nice:

Linux is now a first-class citizen too, thanks to volunteer players who helped fix issues on their platform.

You might think "well, considering how high their Linux sales are, shouldn't they fix the issues themselves?" and it's a good question. However, they're also keen to remind eveyone, that their source code is up on GitHub. Anyone can come along and suggest fixes and working with the community is a great thing.

Here's a reminder of what you can see in the game:

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They also said they plan to leave Early Access at the end of the summer, so hopefully their final release goes down well with people holding off while it's in development.

See the full update on Steam.

Thanks for the tip, TapocoL!

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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FredO Apr 21, 2018
This game looks really good - wishlisted, and will buy on final release.
It mentions Joystick support; can it be calibrated, and can you assign axes and buttons as needed?
GustyGhost Apr 21, 2018
It almost has the same exact stylization as Astrokill.
14 Apr 21, 2018
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Nice to see us having a good impact.
Purple Library Guy Apr 21, 2018
Bought it a while ago, haven't had a chance to play yet but it seems neat and developer seems like good people. Hope this gets found by a wider community so devs can make a bit of dough, even if (sigh) that means the Linux percentage falls some. Marketing is kind of a dirty word to me, but you play the game with the rules as they exist--want sales, gonna need a bit of that stuff.
sonic Apr 21, 2018
Hi Stranger, thanks for Linux open source game for low, round price (and not that stupid prices x.99). Only thing missing for my 100% happiness is DRM-free (GOG?) version. Once it become available, I will buy it for full price!
Tchey Apr 21, 2018
Already bought, played, enjoyed, advertized, and i'm only waiting for full release to replay it to avoid being "burned" while in Early Access.

I really liked it so far.
Stranger Apr 21, 2018
I've seen the question asked, so no, we're not using the Steam DRM features. I haven't tested in depth but I believe the game should run just fine without Steam started either. We'd love to have a GOG release when we exit Early Access, though it's not up to us for now :)
TheRiddick Apr 21, 2018
In early access period you can't expect much these days, lots of people have been burnt so low sales for a small developer is not surprising.

I've been burnt at least twice with early access myself.
Zephar Apr 22, 2018
Interesting to note, but have heard from more then one developer that Linux sales are higher then they expected by far of the 1% claims of windows fan boys.
Shmerl Apr 22, 2018
Quoting: StrangerWe'd love to have a GOG release when we exit Early Access, though it's not up to us for now :)

You can try for in development versions (it should be quite easy) or even your own site. So those who buy DRM-free releases only won't need to wait.

Last edited by Shmerl on 22 April 2018 at 3:10 am UTC
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