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Helium Rain [Steam, Official Site], the gorgeous space sim from Deimos Games is really quite good so it's a shame they've seen such low overall sales. In total, they've had around 14,000€ (~$17,000) in sales which is not a lot for a game at all.

The good news, is that out of the two thousand copies they say they've sold, a huge 14% of them have come from Linux. It's worth noting, that number has actually gone up since we last spoke to them, where they gave us a figure of 11% sales on Linux.

They also said this, which was nice:

Linux is now a first-class citizen too, thanks to volunteer players who helped fix issues on their platform.

You might think "well, considering how high their Linux sales are, shouldn't they fix the issues themselves?" and it's a good question. However, they're also keen to remind eveyone, that their source code is up on GitHub. Anyone can come along and suggest fixes and working with the community is a great thing.

Here's a reminder of what you can see in the game:

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They also said they plan to leave Early Access at the end of the summer, so hopefully their final release goes down well with people holding off while it's in development.

See the full update on Steam.

Thanks for the tip, TapocoL!

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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tuubi Apr 22, 2018
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Quoting: iiariI'd think that the people most interested in a title would go in for early access, but maybe I'm wrong....
If I'm really interested in experiencing a game, why would I spoil it for myself while it's still unfinished? The only reason I might buy an EA title is to fund the development, but I'd never play the game until it's actually out.
TheSHEEEP Apr 23, 2018
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Quoting: tuubi
Quoting: iiariI'd think that the people most interested in a title would go in for early access, but maybe I'm wrong....
If I'm really interested in experiencing a game, why would I spoil it for myself while it's still unfinished? The only reason I might buy an EA title is to fund the development, but I'd never play the game until it's actually out.
Yes, same here. With only a few exceptions of games that are almost done already (like Factorio or RimWorld).
There are so many games out there to play, no need to dive into the unfinished ones for an unfinished experience.
crt0mega Apr 23, 2018
Looks like I've got to buy this one sooner or later. *sigh* So many games, so little time …
Whitewolfe80 Apr 23, 2018
Quoting: Mountain ManWait, they're complaining about low sales, yet they're still in "early access"? Do developers even understand what "early access" is?

Well I am not going to speak for this developmer but certainly some view early access as a paid beta that way if it does not suceed they can abandon it. There are literally hundreds of abandoned early access games on steam that one point or another had active development then the sales dried up and the devs moved on.
Auksinis Apr 26, 2018
I bought it to try it out. So far I like it a lot.
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