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It's been quite some time since we wrote about the RPG Pathfinder: Kingmaker [Official Site], as it turns out it's releasing next month.

Funded on Kickstarter back in 2017 thanks to over 18,000 people, Linux support was a stretch-goal that was thankfully hit. It's not one we've really kept up with here, but it does look impressive.

Here's a recent video to show off some features:

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It's currently in beta for Windows and Mac, but they did say in their most recent beta update post that a Linux version that they're "still working hard to release it as soon as we can". Considering there's not long until the release, it's a little concerning they still don't have a Linux beta out, but hopefully it will be soon.


  • A companion focused story - Experience the adventure alongside living and breathing companions, each with deep stories and decisions of their own. Love them, adore them or hate them for who they are.
  • Character development - Customize your character and companions with a multitude of options available in Pathfinder to make the perfect party capable of overcoming insurmountable challenges.
  • Kingdom - Establish your kingdom in Stolen Lands, claim new territories, and build towns and cities. Be a wise ruler or a heavy-handed tyrant.

Currently confirmed for a Steam release in August. Haven't seen anything clearly state if it will be on GOG or other stores.

Cookies to NuSuey for the reminder.

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Shmerl Jul 3, 2018
Looks good and if they'll release it DRM-free, I'm interested.


Their Kickstarter FAQ mentions GOG indirectly:

QuoteWhere do I choose Steam, GoG or game portal download?

You will get an e-mail with a link to the Pathfinder: Kingmaker backer portal when the campaign is over. On the site, you will be able to confirm your pledge and choose on which platform you would like to get Pathfinder: Kingmaker.

Last edited by Shmerl on 3 July 2018 at 1:43 pm UTC
PublicNuisance Jul 3, 2018
Looks interesting. Onto the wish list it goes.
Furyspark Jul 3, 2018
Ah, I've been playing Pathfinder on Roll20 with some friends for some time now, so I'm happy to see a computer game about it showing up. Hopefully they will keep their word on the Linux release.
Keyrock Jul 3, 2018
Quoting: PatolaThe best part is that it is a more open universe system. According to [url=""]wikipedia[/url], "The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook is a 576-page hardback book released under the Open Game License.". Which is not open-source but at least is friendlier than the usual strict copyright licenses of the gaming industry. (Note that Wizards of the Coast also started using this license again for D&D recently, maybe influenced by Pathfinder).
I look forward to get acquainted with this new universe and find out the differences. Looks very similar, at least more similar to D&D than Warhammer Fantasy or Tolkien.
Pathfinder is sometimes called D&D 3.75 as it is a modification and extension of D&D 3.5.

I have high hopes for this game, as it has Chris Avellone as its narrative designer.
Salvatos Jul 3, 2018
Quoting: PatolaThe best part is that it is a more open universe system. According to [url=""]wikipedia[/url], "The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook is a 576-page hardback book released under the Open Game License.". Which is not open-source but at least is friendlier than the usual strict copyright licenses of the gaming industry. (Note that Wizards of the Coast also started using this license again for D&D recently, maybe influenced by Pathfinder).
I could be talking out of my ass, but aren't they obligated to use that license since their system is heavily based on D&D 3(.5)? I'm not familiar enough with Pathfinder, but Fantasy Craft for example, which is also based on D&D 3.5 and OGL material, includes in its license text a lengthy paragraph describing what is open game content and what is "product identity" (i.e. protected IP--mostly visual content and anything related to FC-specific campaign settings, which may ambiguously include all spells and creatures in the manual).

Regardless, I'll have an eye on this when I finally get through my backlog of CRPGs... in a few years?
Shmerl Jul 3, 2018
It's good to see an RPG project crowdfunding succeeding, unlike one for Project Resurgence which was promising too, but failed financially.
Mountain Man Jul 3, 2018
You know, studios could be a lot more creative with their advertising art for fantasy RPGs since every one seems to use a variation of the exact same image. It gets to the point where I will often overlook a new game simply because the "box art" looks so familiar that I assume I've already seen it before.

For that matter, the in-game art isn't much more distinctive.

Last edited by Mountain Man on 3 July 2018 at 8:11 pm UTC
14 Jul 4, 2018
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Quoting: ShmerlIt's good to see an RPG project crowdfunding succeeding, unlike one for Project Resurgence which was promising too, but failed financially.
Yes. Divinity: Original Sin 2 (and I think 1 as well?) were successful. Hopefully this game and Black Geyser: Couriers of Darkness and Last Epoch turn out well also.

Quoting: Mountain ManYou know, studios could be a lot more creative with their advertising art for fantasy RPGs since every one seems to use a variation of the exact same image. It gets to the point where I will often overlook a new game simply because the "box art" looks so familiar that I assume I've already seen it before.

For that matter, the in-game art isn't much more distinctive.
I agree with you. I had to keep looking at this one and ask myself, "Is that really not Pillars of Eternity?"
Phlebiac Jul 4, 2018
Quoting: KeyrockI have high hopes for this game, as it has Chris Avellone as its narrative designer.

That guy sure gets around! (in a good way; I always see his name associated with highly reviewed games)

Last edited by Phlebiac on 4 July 2018 at 5:29 am UTC
razing32 Jul 5, 2018
You know , this looks really good.
I really like the editor feature since NwN enhanced does not have it.
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