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After managing to sell a few thousand copies, the dungeon crawler Ebony Spire: Heresy has a great update now available.

For those who missed the story, the developer Bearded Giant Games initially failed to really get anywhere with the game. They wrote a post on Gamasutra about it, where they said it had been a "a soul crushing experience". A pretty sobering reading, as game development has become so much harder in the past few years with stores being flooded with new games. Anyway, many months later they managed to hit over 6,000 sales and so this update is a thank you for keeping the developer going.

What's also fun to know, is that the developer mentioned to me on Twitter that Linux sale were "5x times Mac sales" although the Linux version was released two months before the Mac version.

The Anniversary Update is now live, which adds in mouse support, bug fixes, new enemies and some much improved graphics in certain places making everything fit together a little bit better.

Feature Highlight:

  • All items can be used by and against the player. Enemies have access to the same abilities as you do
  • Character development revolves around the items that can be obtained. There are no classic stats or XP grinding 
  • Turn-based combat in a very roguelike fashion
  • Portals that will lead you outside the tower for a quick item hunting session: Cities, Harbors, Dungeons and Arenas can be explored
  • Two game modes: Classic and Infinite Heresy - toggle between them with a simple visit to the options menu!

Find it on and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Dolus Nov 13, 2018
Doesn't this qualify for the 'open source' tag? Also, fullscreen seems broken in 17.10.
Zapa Nov 13, 2018
Quoting: DolusDoesn't this qualify for the 'open source' tag? Also, fullscreen seems broken in 17.10.

It should, but I'm pretty sure Liam didn't add it cause I didn't get around to updating the source on github :(!
Regarding fullscreen, It's all my bad there. My implementation of it is so awful that it behaves differently across the same distributions depending on how many monitors you have. One of these days I'll re-write the HOST in SDL to get rid of all the problems.
Dolus Nov 16, 2018
Quoting: Zapa
Quoting: DolusDoesn't this qualify for the 'open source' tag? Also, fullscreen seems broken in 17.10.

It should, but I'm pretty sure Liam didn't add it cause I didn't get around to updating the source on github :(!
Regarding fullscreen, It's all my bad there. My implementation of it is so awful that it behaves differently across the same distributions depending on how many monitors you have. One of these days I'll re-write the HOST in SDL to get rid of all the problems.

Looking forward to it.
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