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Feral Interactive are teasing another Linux port

By - | Views: 50,965

Another one?! Yes! Feral Interactive have begun teasing us once again with a new upcoming Linux and Mac port.

On their famous port radar, one they jokingly claim has a mind of it's own, is this new clue for Linux and Mac:

"Flushing Point"

For those interested, here's a higher resolution picture:

They only just recently released Total War: WARHAMMER II, with Life is Strange 2 and Total War: THREE KINGDOMS and Shadow of the Tomb Raider all confirmed to be coming.

I know some of you groan about the teasers, but they're a good bit of fun in my book. They've seemingly started announcing titles quite a bit sooner than before too which is great.

What do you think it will be this time? So many announcements lately, this is fantastic to see. If it's HITMAN 2 or something more open-world, I'm completely sold. Shutup and take my money.

Ps. Apologies to any copyright holders on the image, couldn't find where it's from. Do get in touch if you're unhappy with us including it here…

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Eike Nov 28, 2018
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wvstolzing Nov 28, 2018
haha! what was the joke... ok I remember

TOTAL WAR: Flushing Point -- amirite!

... what do you mean it's stale by now?
somebody1121 Nov 28, 2018
skyrim? :S:
wvstolzing Nov 28, 2018
Seriously, though, 'Flushing Point' can only point at Conker's Bad Fur Day.
Gazoche Nov 28, 2018
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Hmmmm...the font kinda reminds me of Bioshock...flushing -> water -> Rapture ?
Eike Nov 28, 2018
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What's this picture?
Tineye reveals... nothing!?!
A soldier... Roman?... on a ... Pegasus?
He's got a long stick reachong up to some other animal with wings?

Horseman of the Apocalypse?
Liam Dawe Nov 28, 2018
From Twitter: https://twitter.com/mphuZ93/status/1067799540504424450

"A flavour of Alasdair Gray http://alasdairgray.info/images/Paintings/paintings9.htm"

Last edited by Liam Dawe on 28 November 2018 at 3:24 pm UTC
pb Nov 28, 2018
That Pegasus rider looks very much like Agent 47. "Where are we going?" How about New Zealand for starters? :-)

No, but seriously, the rider is obviously a valkyrie, so Valkyria Chronicles 4. Made by Sega, so the possibility is strong.

Last edited by pb on 28 November 2018 at 3:25 pm UTC
Liam Dawe Nov 28, 2018
Quoting: pbThat Pegasus rider looks very much like Agent 47. "Where are we going?" How about New Zealand for starters? :-)

No, but seriously, the rider is obviously a valkyrie, so Valkyria Chronicles 4. Made by Sega, so the possibility is strong.
Valkyria Chronicles 4 might be interesting, but it seems like a title that isn't popular enough for Feral. Looking on Steam, it has less than 1K reviews, pretty niche title it seems.
Fakeman_Pretendname Nov 28, 2018
Okay, so you... flush away a sort of "Dirt", which is sometimes called a "number 2"... and when using decimal fractions we say "two point one" for 2.1 and so on... so we're looking at a sort of Dirt 2 point...

Dirt Rally 2.0

and um, "where are we going", because um, Rallying is based on navigating from point to point on a track which you don't know beforehand... and it has a man with a spear on a flying horse because... um. I don't know.
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