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With quite good looking graphics and gameplay that has me wanting to see more, Broken Lines could be a good tactical RPG for Linux and it's releasing later this year. This is one we completely missed from Gamescom!

The squad has crash-landed behind enemy lines, in the heart of Eastern Europe. With no officers, no leaders, and no intel, they must find an unbreakable resolve if they are to survive. But with only their training and instincts to guide them, survival becomes a difficult goal.

It recently appeared in the Linux section on Steam, with the developer confirming to me on Steam Linux will be supported and they've tested it to ensure it works. Interesting to see that mentioned, since Linux is often left until the last moment.

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It's being developed by PortaPlay, who made the 2016 real-time tactics game Tales from the Void (no Linux support on that one) which seems to have been largely ignored by press and gamers alike so hopefully Broken Lines will do better.

Feature Highlight:

  • Tactical RPG with diverse characters. Experience the story through the eyes of each soldier as they fight for survival in an alternative WW2 setting.
  • Turn-based planning with simultaneous execution (WeGo turn-based gameplay)
  • Authentic tactical choices: suppression, destructible cover, realistic ballistics, and camouflage are at your disposal.
  • Rogue-like campaign structured with different narrative paths, resources, and permadeath.
  • A challenge for even the most experienced gamer. A far-reaching moral system means that the soldiers may desert at any moment if you prove to be incompetent.
  • An emotional story, tense atmosphere, and multiple endings based on the decisions that you make.

You can wishlist and follow Broken Lines on Steam, releasing towards the end of this year.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Eike Sep 26, 2019
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Quoting: Dorrit
Quoting: EikeThey already do take their attitude about women elsewhere
Oh dear :(
It's not about women, it's about a pervasive and corrupting ideological proposition that disguises itself behind good intentions.

Fear Thou Not.
Nobody is taking anything away from you.

Last edited by Eike on 26 September 2019 at 12:41 pm UTC
chr Sep 26, 2019
Quoting: DorritOh no, female characters where they never existed, again.
Why not an ebony Greta Thunberg as Joan of Arc? Yeah, lets rewrite History completely, facts are for racists.

All forms of art (and sources of history) are always (unintentionally) biased by the background and worldview of those that made them. So if you think that representations of history are more accurate when they happen to match your views about the world, then you're unfortunately wrong.

Seeing as pieces of art are biased and wrong to some degree anyway, why not cater to the players - many players (male and female) enjoy playing with female characters as well.

And when it comes to politically charged messages, please never forget that there is no such thing as "free from politics". Everything is inherently political. Even if we're talking about the present rather than the past and even if you're intimately familiar with the status quo (which we never are), then wanting to maintain the status quo with it's current advantages and drawbacks is also a political stance.

Also avoid the mistake of thinking that keeping the status quo is somehow normal or default or natural. Everything has always been evolving and completely stopping any change to maintain your perception of your nostalgic childhood where things used to be right is unnatural. Things will always change. Let us find the best ways to change things.
Dorrit Sep 26, 2019
Quoting: chrSo if you think that representations of history are more accurate when they happen to match your views about the world
They are more accurate when they're accurate.

Quoting: chrplease never forget that there is no such thing as "free from politics".
Yes there is.

Quoting: chrEverything has always been evolving and completely stopping any change to maintain your perception of your nostalgic childhood where things used to be right is unnatural.
Things have been evolving unnaturally, forced and artificial change, social engineering.

Quoting: chrLet us find the best ways to change things.
Let us not do that, lest we change them to match our prejudices.
scaine Sep 26, 2019
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Wow. You really can't be convinced that there's a wider world out there beyond your little bubble, huh, @dorrit?

It's probably going to fall on deaf ears, but most game devs are trying their best to make a fun, engaging game based on their experiences, the experiences of the people around them, their history and the history of the world they live in. There's no master plan to "be politically correct". Devs don't get together to figure out how best they can piss off straight, white CIS men. They're just story tellers, trying to make a living in an incredibly unforgiving, competitive market.

Look at that trailer - it's incredible. But all you see is a political message... all the while maintaining that devs and games can be free from politics? The irony is palpable.

I've gone from "vaguely interested" over this game to "utterly engaged". You won't buy it, so I will. Everyone wins.
Dorrit Sep 27, 2019
Quoting: scaineThere's no master plan to "be politically correct"
From Battlefield V to the Gillette advertisement, from schools gender free toilets to meat free planet; yes, there is a master plan.
Even if the devs of this particular game are oblivious to it (which I doubt, it looks too much "let's go with the tide") it'll be another morsel in the cleansing of History.
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