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Joshua Ashton released a small tidying up version of D9VK yesterday, fixing a few issues to give you a better experience with this D3D9 to Vulkan layer.

It adds in support for SetSoftwareVertexProcessing and GetSoftwareVertexProcessing with the rest of D9VK 0.22 amounting to fixes for reported issues.

One such issue was found with The Sims 2, as it would "try to render shadows to a A8 texture and completely mess everything up" so that should now be solved. A regression was put to rest where "full constant uploads were happening all the time", some games moaned that drivers were too old which was solved and it will now return "D3DERR_INVALIDCALL when trying to create textures with unsupported formats".

See the release notes on GitHub.

If you've been testing D9VK directly with Wine or in Steam Play, do let us know in the comments what your experience has been.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Mumrik93 Sep 30, 2019
The Sims 2? Oh the memories~ maybe i should give it a go again after all these years and see how it fares now on Linux.
Kimyrielle Sep 30, 2019
Yeah, since EA chose to f-up Origin again to the degree that it currently doesn't run in Linux, and people can't play Sims 4 for that reason, maybe it's time to dust the older Sims titles!
x_wing Sep 30, 2019
I always wondered: Is there anyway to have a list of the pending features for DX9/11 on D9VK/DXVK? Don't know, something like the Mesa Matrix or similar.
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