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Valve continue to do some pretty big tweaks to the matchmaking system in Dota 2, with another blog post and update talking about all the improvements they're implementing.

This is following on from all the other changes recently like the ban waves and sounds like they're really pushing to make the Dota 2 community and gameplay better for everyone.

Ever played a game of Dota 2 by yourself and get matched against an entire team of people? I have, it sucks. They're all forming a strategy, while half of your team are telling each other they're going to report them. It happened for a lot of others too and Valve have finally put a stop to it. In the latest blog post, Valve said that now a five-player team will only be matched up against other five-player teams. For Solo players, they will now only be matched up with a party maximum of two, so Solo players will either now be against an entire team of other Solo players or possibly three solo players and one party of two.

That's not all though of course. Valve also adjusted the post-game screen to show the average and max queue times for players in the match "to help you determine if we formed a bad match too quickly or not", there's also a behaviour category summary for the match to help players see if the matchmaking was doing a bad job. The post-game survey they had a long time ago has also made a return with a similar feature, giving some players a chance to rate the match experience to help Valve see where they're doing badly.

Naughty players are in for a shock now too. While they've banned the most terrible players, they're also now tweaking in-game features for players who are still a nuisance but not enough to be banned. If your behaviour score is below 3,000 you can no longer use chat or voice chat until the behaviour score rises. Valve think this system "will be valuable for both protecting the larger population from outliers and as a warning system for players who are moving in the wrong direction".

Sometime soon Valve will also be revamping the new player experience, which it badly needs. Dota 2 is a very complicated game and the interface is pretty noisy when you're new to it. Seems they're waiting to get matchmaking properly sorted and dealing with smurf accounts first to give new players a better start in their first lot of games. Nice.

See the full blog post here for the rest and find Dota 2 free to play on Steam.

With all the changes Valve are doing, that I genuinely like the sound of here I might just start playing it regularly again.

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Tags: MOBA, Update, Valve
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Purple Library Guy Oct 12, 2019
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: Liam Dawe
Quoting: GuestAh yes Dota....its a good game. Till you get some trolls who Teleport you onto a rock where you cant get down from. times.
Oh jeez, I remember someone doing that to me every single time they saw me and they were on my team. Some people really are just out to piss others off online thinking they're funny.

Exactly. And you wanna know the best part? He said i need to beg him if i ever want off that rock. Needless to say even if i would beg a few minutes later he would drop me on that rock again. Yeah what a great time that was...
IMO, never, ever do what someone like that tells you. Just log off.
ElectricPrism Oct 12, 2019
QuoteEver played a game of Dota 2 by yourself and get matched against an entire team of people? I have, it sucks.

Good luck playing a match around The International timeframe, you will get 5 man rolled regularly, the enemy team will all my linked up via Discord communicating or in person and you and your teamies have to pray you have at least 1 player good enough to snowball your team to victory.

For being such a common issue, it's nice to see Valve doing their best to make incremental issues on these kinds of things instead of just shrugging.
shawnsterp Oct 12, 2019
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: Liam Dawe
Quoting: GuestAh yes Dota....its a good game. Till you get some trolls who Teleport you onto a rock where you cant get down from. times.
Oh jeez, I remember someone doing that to me every single time they saw me and they were on my team. Some people really are just out to piss others off online thinking they're funny.

Exactly. And you wanna know the best part? He said i need to beg him if i ever want off that rock. Needless to say even if i would beg a few minutes later he would drop me on that rock again. Yeah what a great time that was...

I have thankfully stopped playing the game. (Wish me luck, because it really does seem like an addiction.) Having said that, maybe you should buy a teleport scroll?

EDIT: If it is a teammate doing this, there used to be an option to "disable help" or something like that. This would make it impossible for them to do this. I assume it is still there, but not sure where to find it.

Last edited by shawnsterp on 12 October 2019 at 4:54 pm UTC
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