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What have you been playing recently and what do you think about it?

By - | Views: 38,738

It's reader question time here on GamingOnLinux, something we do infrequently to generate a bit of discussion.

Having seen a number of great Linux releases lately, it's getting tough opening Steam and actually picking something to play. The very new release of Pine has certainly sucked away a lot of my time, something about the world Twirlbound created has seriously pulled me in. It's not without issues though. While forcing my CPU to stay in Performance mode has made it smoother, it definitely needs improving.

Some of the quests in Pine don't seem like they've been thought through enough with the game mechanics. There's a time you need to get special tokens from different types of creatures like gatherers, traders and guards. So to help you're given blueprints for some traps. Something that should be a challenge but I decided to run around the nearest town and just place traps directly in front of every creature around and in the space of 2 minutes it was done. It was really dumb but it worked.

The world in Pine is certainly not as big as it initially seemed either, it doesn't actually take that long to see the entire area. It gives a good illusion of a lot to do but so far it seems a little basic. Don't let me put you off though, I'm thoroughly nitpicking. Still great fun, just not even close to as expansive as expected.

Meanwhile, I've also carried on my playthrough of the latest Factorio release. Maddeningly engrossing. Incredible game, with such a massive amount of depth to it. The complexity isn't even remotely hidden and yet, it feels so ridiculously approachable it's a real joy to play.

Anyway, enough about what I've been clicking on lately. Over to you, what have you been playing recently and what do you think about it? Help your fellow readers find another interesting game to pick up.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Eike Oct 12, 2019
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I've been weak and have been using Proton for the first time, to play one of whitelisted games: The Room. I'm probably the last person interested in puzzle games to play this, but if I'm not (and you're inclined to using a whitelisted and platinum rated Proton game): Do it.

Now I'm back to the good side (native) and play the recently released point and click Guard Duty. I wouldn't rate it a great game, but I'm interested in what lies ahead in act II.

Last edited by Eike on 12 October 2019 at 6:45 pm UTC
Nevertheless Oct 12, 2019
I decided to give Pathfinder Kingmaker a pause after >150 hours, because it's so incredibly big that there is no chance to finish it anytime soon. It has very bright sides and some questionable design decisions, but was totally worth playing!
I'm now playing The long journey home on Proton. It really reminds me of one of my all time favourite games: Starflight from 1986, that I played on Amiga around 1991..

Edit: typo

Last edited by Nevertheless on 12 October 2019 at 7:11 pm UTC
DaiKaiser93 Oct 12, 2019
Currently playing Indivisible.
Nezchan Oct 12, 2019
I ticked 2064: Read Only Memories off my backlog and while it's a good game with a lot of strengths, there are a few things that didn't really appeal to me. The linearity of it for one. I got the strong impression that my character was merely along for the ride while everyone else did all the heavy lifting in the story. That led me to feel like every time someone called me a good friend or said I played a big role, it was a hollow sentiment. Then there were two of the mandatory mini-games, neither of which were very clear about their mechanics, and I managed to make it through almost entirely via luck. The last thing was the ending, which seemed way too utopian, given the underlying darker tone of a good deal of the story. Things just work out too easily for me to really buy it.

That said, I loved the music, the characters, the voiceover, the aesthetic and about 90% of the story itself. So it was worth playing. I just wouldn't do it a second time, is all.
psy-q Oct 12, 2019
After a disappointing time with The Witcher 3, I got completely sucked into Two Worlds. There's a beta branch available for the Linux WINE-wrapped release and it works great. The game itself though is broken by design on almost every level, yet the most fun I've had in months.

Last edited by psy-q on 15 October 2019 at 1:53 pm UTC
Koopacabras Oct 12, 2019
I'm playing Mad Max not a bad game but after playing other (native and proton) open world games, is kind of missing some features like more polished melee combat and the world seems rather dull because there is lots of deserts and not that much to do.

It definitely is a step down from other games like Just cause 4 or Arkham series, or even the Withcher were your character has lots of special powers, Mad Max seems like a normal dude with no special abilities whatsoever.

Don't get me wrong it's a fine AAA open world game but not at the same level of the Just Cause series or Arkham series.

Last edited by Koopacabras on 12 October 2019 at 7:43 pm UTC
Antryg64 Oct 12, 2019
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Currently playing Battle Chasers: Nightwar. Definitely a lot of grinding for levels at the arena, but addictive and fun nonetheless.
eldaking Oct 12, 2019
Just today I finally reached Big Boss 1 on Dota Underlords, which is nice.

I have recently decided to give Pillars of Eternity a try and its really good, but I am not really into RPGs. I'll try to finish this one though.

And I have recently gone back to Crusader Kings 2. I think I'll do a super-religious France roleplay run and maybe get a few achievements.
sub Oct 12, 2019
Quoting: eldakingJust today I finally reached Big Boss 1 on Dota Underlords, which is nice.

I have recently decided to give Pillars of Eternity a try and its really good, but I am not really into RPGs. I'll try to finish this one though.

And I have recently gone back to Crusader Kings 2. I think I'll do a super-religious France roleplay run and maybe get a few achievements.

Pillars of Eternity is a fantastic game very close to the classic Baldur's Gate games.
Yet, way(!) too much text for me, much more than BG1+2 had.
iwantlinuxgames Oct 12, 2019
I've been feeding my addiction with WoW Classic....under wine-staging with DXVK

Last edited by iwantlinuxgames on 12 October 2019 at 8:06 pm UTC
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