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Feral Interactive are asking what you want ported to Linux again

By - | Views: 86,843

Feral Interactive, the porting studio behind a lot of great games available on Linux are asking for some feedback again on where they should go next.

In the past, they've teased how they feed port requests into "THE REQUESTINATOR". Looks like my number three from when they asked in November 2018 turned out okay with Shadow of the Tomb Raider. As always though, we want additional ports to buy and more varied titles to play through.

On Twitter today they posted this:

What game would you like to be ported to macOS, Linux or mobile platforms in 2020, and why?

Is there a game in dire need of porting? Let us know why it’d be perfect on your favourite platform and your answer could feature in our next newsletter:

Feral have already ported a ton of games to Linux including Alien Isolation, Life Is Strange, Before the Storm, Life is Strange 2, Mad Max, Total War: THREE KINGDOMS (and many other Total War titles), XCOM and XCOM 2 plus more. Their work is great, especially now they're all-in with Vulkan the performance is great too so more would be thoroughly welcome.

How about you mention your top three most wanted Linux ports in the comments? I'll start:

  3. Borderlands 3

Right now, those three would be seriously good to have properly supported on Linux. As for the why? Well, 1+3 are already massively popular games and with Borderlands 3 coming to Steam this year, it would be a nice surprise. As for Dragon Ball, I'm a huge fan of it and having such a game ported and supported on Linux would be a huge boon.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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tpau Jan 14, 2020
Quoting: iwantlinuxgames1. World of Warcraft Classic
2. World of Warcraft Classic
3. World of Warcraft Classic

In some combinations of gpu and driver wine has trouble with a good framerate so a native version would be great.
Blizzard already disables a few nvidia specific things when detecting wine and rumor has it they had a linux client internatlly. So maybe Feral would be able to polish this.

MMORPGs are difficult though, they are a moving target and need constant maintenance.
inlinuxdude Jan 14, 2020
* Middle earth Shadow of War
* Divinity Original Sin 2
* Elder Scrolls games
* Call of Duty games
Orkultus Jan 14, 2020
please no more strategy games... they did a great job at them, but i think we have enough.
pete910 Jan 14, 2020
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Well there's only one answer and I think all would agree with it.


mylka Jan 15, 2020
Quoting: tpauAnno 1800
Destiny 2
Rainbow Six Siege

Too much trouble with wine and anti cheat systems

since ubisoft left steam i dont know where feral could publish anno

maybe epic can throw some money on them for making a linux client and them making a deal with fortnite (and pubg) would be awesome for linux

i would like to see RDR2 on linux, because it wouldnt have this weird DRM and then i would like to see how many ppl pirate the game for linux
Tsekiditsek Jan 15, 2020
Quoting: AciD1-Noita

Noita works fine through Steam Proton.
AciD Jan 15, 2020
Indeed it does, but still, as stated many, many times on those forums, a native port is far better to ensure future stability.
rodvil Jan 15, 2020
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1 - The Witcher 3
2 - Mechwarrior
3 - Monster hunter world
Whitewolfe80 Jan 15, 2020
oh we going for what we want rather than whats likely okay

Outer Worlds
Red Dead 2
Muvon53 Jan 15, 2020
The Age of Empires series
all Blizzard games
Halo: The Master Chief Collection
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