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What have you been playing recently and what do you think about it?

By - | Views: 48,909

It's been quite some time since we last had an open discussion about what you've all been playing recently. Let's get things going again.

We've almost finished the second month of 2020, we've had tons of Linux games that have released this year already and a huge amount more on the way. Now with the rise of game streaming, Steam Play Proton and more options appearing constantly there's never a shortage of gaming to be had.

Personally, I've been getting back into the deck-builder Faeria (Humble/Steam).

With the big recent patch, it gave me a new reason to pick it up and I had honestly forgotten just how good the gameplay is. Building the board as you go really does spice up the usual turn-based tactics, as does the single-player content that's quite plentiful. Gamepad support that was recently added has also made it more accessible than ever. Crafting a good deck of cards is always the hard part but Faeria is fun to learn.

So, over to you: what have you been playing recently and what do you think about it?

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Desperalaw Feb 23, 2020
Hello there !

I've been playing some Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, it works really well with Proton.
I also started a game of Crusader Kings 2 with my friends, odd thing was we didn't have the same checksum with the same mods, so we ended up playing the game with no mods whatsoever.
begui Feb 23, 2020
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Moonlighter.. Fantastic

Also getting my last week of Rocket League before it's forever gone from me.

Last edited by begui on 23 February 2020 at 9:09 pm UTC
PopeRigby Feb 23, 2020
I've been playing Stardew Valley and Hedon, lately. Very different games but both super fun. I can understand why so many people love Stardew Valley, it's very engrossing.
tpau Feb 23, 2020
Xcom 2: Covert Infiltration :
Man i hate and love it at the same time, nothing is more difficult and rewarding at the same time than this game.
I lost countless missions and campaigns to bad planning and greed. Still i come back every time. Phoenix Point doesn't manage to copy that feeling.

World of Warcraft, it is time for a linux native solution blizzard :)

Shadow Tactics, in the spirit if desperados and robin hood, this game looks great and is fun. I hope the sequel desperados 3 by the same studio will be on Linux too
queria Feb 23, 2020
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Finally got some time to spend in Undead Horde, still enjoying it on next difficulty.

And of course Caesar3 through amazing Julius.

Last edited by queria on 23 February 2020 at 9:30 pm UTC
ziabice Feb 23, 2020
I'm enjoining Metro Exodus: it gives me some "Fallout 3" vibes
Spirimint Feb 23, 2020
Quoting: DrakkerI've been playing almost exclusively Vintage Story since you got me addicted to it. The only other game I've played recently is Horizon Chase Turbo with the family and when friends show up.

Still waiting for Nvidia to fix the no-hair rendering bug in Deus Ex Mankind Divided to pick it back up and complete it.

Vintage Story is soo good!!! Play it all the time :D

Last edited by Spirimint on 23 February 2020 at 10:06 pm UTC
faceless Feb 23, 2020
I’ve been playing shadow of the Tomb Raider! Fantastic game that gives me the vibe of first reboot game that Rise didn’t! Also, it’s just gorgeous!
soulsource Feb 23, 2020
Been digging in my pile of shame a bit, and stumbled across Turmoil. After playing "some" hours (finished the "normal" difficulty campaign and already half through "expert" mode), I must say that I can fully recommend this game.

The game is small, but well polished and balanced.
robvv Feb 23, 2020
I've been playing Hellpoint: The Thespian Feast via Proton. Now that the devs have made some tweaks and patches, the game balance is far better and it's a joy (if rather frustrating!) to play. Looking forward to the native full game release.
Am also playing The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters. Made it through to the gymnasium so will hopefully have completed it soon. Recommended!
Two games which I have ongoing in the background are Dead Cells and Ion Fury. I am still only on one boss cell with Dead Cells and whilst I can make it to the Hand of the King for the second time, he always obliterates me. One day... ;-)

Last edited by robvv on 23 February 2020 at 11:27 pm UTC
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