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What have you been playing recently and what do you think about it?

By - | Views: 48,912

It's been quite some time since we last had an open discussion about what you've all been playing recently. Let's get things going again.

We've almost finished the second month of 2020, we've had tons of Linux games that have released this year already and a huge amount more on the way. Now with the rise of game streaming, Steam Play Proton and more options appearing constantly there's never a shortage of gaming to be had.

Personally, I've been getting back into the deck-builder Faeria (Humble/Steam).

With the big recent patch, it gave me a new reason to pick it up and I had honestly forgotten just how good the gameplay is. Building the board as you go really does spice up the usual turn-based tactics, as does the single-player content that's quite plentiful. Gamepad support that was recently added has also made it more accessible than ever. Crafting a good deck of cards is always the hard part but Faeria is fun to learn.

So, over to you: what have you been playing recently and what do you think about it?

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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iiari Feb 24, 2020
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Linux wise, I've been playing:
Defend the Keep: A quick, fun, delightful tower defense title. It'll probably be my go to in the short term for a quick gaming fix once Rocket League goes away...

Verdun: My quick shooter of choice since it was announced Ballistic Overkill is going away (this has been a sad Linux gaming year for me so far... Can community servers work with that?)

Speaking of which, I'm sad to say I've been using my Windows drive for the first time in literally years, mostly for X-Plane, which I've been addicted to since mid-last year and which is, sadly, more enjoyable on Windows than Linux (due to many excellent add-on's in the ecosystem being Windows only). I'll probably get the occasional Rocket League fix there too...

On the totally non-gaming random side, I'm trying to go Wayland only with Manjaro KDE with my work machines. It seems the team has made so much progress that I wanted to see if I could use it as a daily driver. So far, except for Plank not working (X11 only), it's been good! Some of my Citrix based work apps even scale better in Wayland than X, so bonus...

Last edited by iiari on 24 February 2020 at 3:37 am UTC
Pangachat Feb 24, 2020
Code Vein, and abslutely love it, decided to go back to Dark Souls III, after i finish this one. And Darksiders Genesys, whis is surprisingly isn't a Diablo clone, instead a proper Darksiders from arpg perspective.
iiari Feb 24, 2020
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Quoting: TheReaperUKAnd also Terminator: Resistance (Proton)
What do you think of that title so far? Videos I've seen of gameplay have been mixed...
vskye Feb 24, 2020
I've been playing Left 4 Dead 2, it's something about killing Zombies that for some reason is just fun. And then, Race the Sun, Dirt Rally, Dead Cells, Classic Racers, CSG, Doom, ETS2, F1 2017 and a few others.
ghiuma Feb 24, 2020
On proton I'm playing with different games, Tales of Berseria, Vampire's Fall, South Park the fractured but whole and Conan Exile, Native instead Conglomerate 451, Shadow of the tomb raider excellent porting. I tried playing Metro 2033 Redux but the PS4 controller is not playable... :(
Purple Library Guy Feb 24, 2020
Been playing Civ VI, finally finished a couple of games. I dunno . . . I like it well enough, but I guess Civ just doesn't fascinate me like it used to? It has these neat features, the districts and the civics card thing, but I just find myself looking at the annoying side of them more than the neat side. Like the districts, after the first bit of "this is interesting" I find myself mostly thinking "Dammit, to get more buildings I have to kill another of my producting tiles!" And the civics, I start to wonder why I'm bothering because a lot of the cards are about as good as each other, so once I've got a fair number it's like, oh goody, I researched a civic which gives me more cards I'm not going to bother putting in a slot. Frankly, I liked the way Civ V or Civ: BE did it better. Gave you more benefits and more feeling of accomplishment. And religion's probably a bit snazzier than in V, but again, towards the end of last game I started to wonder "OK, is what all the religion-ing did for me worth all the resources and tiles I sank into holy sites and stuff? Would I have been better off just skipping it and building other stuff instead?"
I do appreciate that I can just go ahead and build wide and conquer moar cities. But hey, I could do that in Civ II.

Having got that out of my system, fired up "Total War: Shogun 2". Moderately fun so far. I'm still getting used to it; not sure yet whether I'm going to go off it and get bored, or get smoother with the controls and views and get a better feel for what to do and like it more.
DMG Feb 24, 2020
I was playing Endless Space 2 via proton. Game is very interesting, if you like space strategy games. Only thing, that I do not like there, is music and civilization count.
anthonyama Feb 24, 2020
Farm Together.
EvilCatEmperor Feb 24, 2020
Dominions 5. Been eying it for awhile, but only recently got into it. Definitely a cult game, it's just so rich mechanically. I've generated over 20 worlds by now, haven't won a single one, because I keep finding better ways to start, and just learning stuff.
It's what I wish Total War was.
fryk Feb 24, 2020
This weekend I've been playing Dark Souls 3. I also spent a lot of time playing Cuphead via RemotePlay together with a friend and also Broforce. We had a great time, although we were pretty bad.
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