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The GNOME desktop environment levels up in a big way with the GNOME 3.36 "Gresik" release with some massive improvements all over and it's looking awesome.

Another six months of development went into this release and it includes many improvements, performance enhancements, and new features. One such improvement I'm quite happy to see is for NVIDIA users: if you have NVIDIA with Optimus, GNOME now includes an option to launch something with your dedicated GPU which is incredibly handy too.

Some other highlights:

  • A dedicated GNOME Extensions application
  • A 'Do Not Disturb' mode
  • The Lock and Login screens have been merged to flow better
  • GNOME Shell itself had plenty of improvements like App Folders in the Overview being able to be renamed.
  • System dialogues that take a password have a little eye icon, to reveal your entered text for accessibility
  • Initial Setup assistant now lets you adjust some parental controls
  • Plus loads more!

One thing Linux has needed for a while is some good advertisement and it has been happening more recently. With that in mind, the GNOME team worked with Chris Rogers of Freehive to produce a really well done video covering the release:

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How to get it? Well, that depends on your choice of Linux Distribution. Now it's out, they can all work to package it up for their next releases (Ubuntu and others) or into their next set of rolling updates (Arch/Manjaro).

Full release notes for GNOME 3.36 can be found here.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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wvstolzing Mar 16, 2020
Quoting: LinasEvolution might not be a thing of beauty, but it gives me access to all my mails, calendars, contacts, etc. via Exchange Web Services, Gmail, etc. and it just works most of the time, even with 2-factor authentication. It can also open IMAP mailboxes with gigabytes of messages that make Thunderbird choke.

I have not yet seen anything remotely as feature-complete as Evolution in the area, and consider it an essential tool in my office-survival kit. I sure wish it received more love, because it surely deserves it. <3

Does it use maildir or mbox for the local folders?
slaapliedje Mar 17, 2020
Quoting: wvstolzing
Quoting: LinasEvolution might not be a thing of beauty, but it gives me access to all my mails, calendars, contacts, etc. via Exchange Web Services, Gmail, etc. and it just works most of the time, even with 2-factor authentication. It can also open IMAP mailboxes with gigabytes of messages that make Thunderbird choke.

I have not yet seen anything remotely as feature-complete as Evolution in the area, and consider it an essential tool in my office-survival kit. I sure wish it received more love, because it surely deserves it. <3

Does it use maildir or mbox for the local folders?
It uses maildir. So you have .local/share/evolution/mail/local/cur, new, tmp folders and folders.db file in there.
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