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As Half-Life: Alyx arrives today, just a reminder that it should hopefully be coming to Linux in a post-release update. On top of that, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive got some fancy cosmetics for it.

This is one of the biggest things Valve has done in a very long time, there's going to be a lot of eyes on them from everywhere. With Virtual Reality currently a niche market (just like Linux gaming…), it definitely will be interesting to see the reception to such a big series going into VR and only VR since it requires a headset. If it does well, I think it's safe to say Valve will be doing more.

"Half-Life: Alyx represents the culmination of Valve's technological advancement over the past few years," says Valve founder Gabe Newell. "We have built SteamVR, our game engine, our tools, and VR hardware specifically to enable us to ship the best content we know how to create. Today, as we ship Alyx remotely from our homes, we are hoping that everyone stays safe and has a great time playing the game. Please let us know what you think."

If you do own a VR kit and plan to play Half-Life: Alyx, please do note in the comments your experiences with it, I've no doubt plenty of people will be watching and wanting to know.

Once Valve communicate when they expect a Linux build and Vulkan support to land for Half-Life: Alyx, we will let you know.

For the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive cosmetics, Valve added in an Alyx themed Collectible Pins Capsule, Sticker Capsule, and Patch Pack for those of you who love to collect items. If you pre-purchased the Valve Index, you should also now have an exclusive Music Kit and a complimentary Genuine Alyx Pin.

You can see an example of what to expect below:

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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ironhead Mar 23, 2020
Is anyone able to start it under Linux (with current Proton)? I'm stuck with kind of an intro and audio is coming from the boxes not from the VR.
ironhead Mar 23, 2020
Starting again and it actually works out of the box. The detail level is absolutely impressing. I'm off now...
Ehvis Mar 23, 2020
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I needed to put a symlink to my SteamApps directory with the name in lowercase, "steamapps", otherwise my trigger wouldn't register to actually start the game.

The game crashes the vrcompositor on level transitions (not always, but often).

Very impressed with the game. Both one of the prettiest and smoothest* VR games I have played. And the motion in this game is pretty tolerable. I have it on manual walking and stair climbing. Need to get used to the movement for a bit, but after that I'm fine. That's definitely not something I can do in every game.

Also nothing quite like having a strider tower over you in VR. :D

* Edit: that is, after all the shader/pipeline stuff is compiled and crashed. I'm hoping for a nice shader download tomorrow :D

Last edited by Ehvis on 23 March 2020 at 11:43 pm UTC
Comandante Ñoñardo Mar 24, 2020
I wish a KVM remake from Crowbar Collective..
Corben Mar 24, 2020
After my concerns have come to pass (very nice having it during the stream... the rule: no stream without technical issues did hit me hard yesterday :D) I was able to play it until the train scene. After some tinkering around, the performance was quite good for me. On the level transition the game crashed, causing a lock up where I had to hard reset the PC (mouse cursor was working, but nothing else, no keyboard etc). After this, I wasn't able to start the game again, it just closes immediately and the play button in Steam becomes green again.

But it was working. And yes, it is awesome. The visuals, the haptics, the animations, the details. Omg, the details! You can open trash cans, find a dead rat in it, pick it up, perfect ragdoll behaviour... you can turn the pedals of bycicles... you can squeeze beverage cans... turn the nob on a radio... paint with pens on glass... the immersion is wicked sick.

Okay, the level of interaction is not new, we've seen this already in Boneworks, but still, the unique Half Life universe art style... it's giving me goose bumps.

Where Beat Saber was the "killer app" for VR before, atm Half Life: Alyx might be the same kind of eye opener. Maybe I'm biased though ;)

Last edited by Corben on 24 March 2020 at 8:14 am UTC
Oet_ Mar 24, 2020
Quoting: CorbenOkay, the level of interaction is not new, we've seen this already in Boneworks, but still, the unique Half Life universe art style... it's giving me goose bumps.
Totally agree with this.

The environment of Half-life: Alyx is more realistic than Boneworks, although the first person interaction in Boneworks is slightly better. The gravity gloves in Half-life: Alyx needs some getting used to, but I'm starting to like it now.

The movement of the in-game characters is also excellent. If the story continues like this during playthrough, it will exceed similar games like Boneworks and Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners.
vinniebottled Mar 24, 2020
Unfortunately I haven't been able to get it to run once :(. Just get a pop up with VrOverlay failed initialization "No Error (0)". I'm sorry but an error message saying no error is kinda funny. Downloading it on my previously decommissioned windows pc. *sigh* I had hoped these days were over; dark dark times.
damarrin Mar 24, 2020
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It wasn't starting for me yesterday, but started first time today. My computer is barely fast enough to run it, but I can play if I'm not too picky. Unfortunately, I forgot the Index is not suitable for glasses and I didn't put my contacts in today, so it was all rather blurry. Will play more tomorrow.
vector Mar 24, 2020
From all accounts that I've read, Half-Life: Alyx is a very good game. But all these reviews are also very nonchalant about VR accessibility as if it's a nonissue, and I am left wondering, am I the only person operating on an extremely tight budget and essentially priced out of the VR hardware market? Even the Oculus Rift S (when it's actually being sold at MSRP) is more than I am comfortable spending on a limited-use luxury peripheral.

Last edited by vector on 24 March 2020 at 9:50 pm UTC
Ehvis Mar 24, 2020
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Quoting: vectorFrom all accounts that I've read, Half-Life: Alyx is a very good game. But all these reviews are also very nonchalant about VR accessibility as if it's a nonissue, and I am left wondering, am I the only person operating on an extremely tight budget and essentially priced out of the VR hardware market? Even the Oculus Rift S (when it's actually being sold at MSRP) is more than I am comfortable spending on a limited-use luxury peripheral.

It's not really relevant. It's a VR game. It's for owner of VR hardware. As for the price. It may seem expensive, but compared to other hobbies that people have it's actually not that bad. I took my holiday money for last year to buy the Index. Many people have that option but not many are willing to take it.
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