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Pop!_OS, the Linux distribution based on Ubuntu from the folks at System76 is also getting in on the fun with a Beta release of the upcoming Pop!_OS 20.04. This is following the standard Ubuntu having a Beta release earlier this month.

One of the big new features is the inclusion of Auto Tiling. Quite a fun and helpful feature for productivity, with newly launched windows automatically tiled. I've had a little play with it myself, a first time trying out tiling of this sort and it's genuinely quite good. They made a video to show it off too:

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Other fun features include a new Application Switcher and Launcher which is pretty slick too. When you tap the Super key (otherwise known as the Windows key) + "/", a new overlay will appear. From there you can begin typing the name of any application on your system (open or not) and have it appear to easily switch on over to it and it works great:

Other new features include out of the box Flatpak support in their Pop!_Shop application store, with Flathub setup as a Flatpak repository giving you more choice on where you get applications and games from (and often having them update a lot quicker). System76 say they're still curating certain key applications like Steam, Atom, and VS Code and their own repository are prioritized there to give the "best user experience" for them.

Details of the Beta can be found here on GitHub.

I tried it out myself today, and I do have to say I'm mightily impressed. I've always suggested Ubuntu to newer Linux users but the experience with Pop!_OS has been quite lovely, it might just sway me. From the installer to the easy to use Pop!_Shop application store, there's a lot to like about all the little touches they've put in. Certainly looks like the Pop!_OS 20.04 release is going to be good.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Beta, Distro News
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Arehandoro Apr 17, 2020
This is great! Although I must confess my addiction to PaperWM: https://github.com/paperwm/PaperWM
wvstolzing Apr 17, 2020
Quoting: ArehandoroThis is great! Although I must confess my addiction to PaperWM: https://github.com/paperwm/PaperWM

The screenshots on github are really interesting, but is there a video demonstration as to what it looks like in everyday usage? There's nothing on youtube, except for a supremely annoying noisy short thing.
chr Apr 19, 2020
I find tiling sexy, but currently I have a small screen (14" laptop). I enjoy my current workflow - 16 virtual desktops with most apps (e.g. Pidgin and email and notes) having their own dedicated desktop. So I'm not tempted to procrastinate as much by seeing it constantly. But switching to an app has a predictable flow (specific shortcut key) and a predictable result (all maximized). I hate regular alt-tab'ing because you either need to keep the state (order) of windows in your head or you have a slight overhead understanding how many times you need to press the hotkey again to get your desired window.

I have used xmonad for some months, but doing so much basic configuration manually was not my cup of tea. I like to outsource to KDE and config when I want to.
OZSeaford Apr 19, 2020
Nothing against Ubuntu, but I have indeed fallen in love with the Pop OS experience. this is after kubuntu. still love KDE but so far gnome has been easier for me.

Pop OS is undeniably Ubuntu, but there are now so many differentiators...
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