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Shortest Trip to Earth, a roguelike spaceship simulator focused on exploration, ship management and tactical battles is now officially coming to Linux and hopefully soon.

"Embark on a perilous journey through a procedurally generated universe and explore massive space sectors crawling with exotic lifeforms. Engage in action-packed tactical combat against hostile ships, boarding parties and inter-dimensional space monsters."

Inspired in some ways by FTL but being a much bigger game, it was originally going to come to Linux but sadly their crowdfunding campaign back in 2017 didn't get much attention or funding from users. It eventually launched in full on Steam in 2019 and in Steam forum post the developer said in January how it "should be only a matter of time before we can announce that we can dedicate time for it".

Recently buried in a Steam announcement a few days ago, the last bullet point from the developer actually says they are "Preparing for linux test build" so it looks like it's coming soon!

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Feature Highlight:

  • Master the art of survival in unexplored space!
  • Explore a procedurally generated universe, packed with content
  • Collect resources, craft modules & upgrade your ship
  • Epic real-time tactical space battles
  • Onboard combat, featuring hostile intruders, drones and battle-hardened pets
  • 500+ ship modules, a variety of ship weapons and nukes
  • 30+ unique crew weapons
  • 50+ types of crew, drones & combat pets
  • Hundreds of random events with unique illustrations and outcomes

You can follow along on Steam.

Hat tip to NuSuey.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Cyril Apr 8, 2020
That's great news! The game is also available on GOG:
razing32 Apr 8, 2020
It better. That's why i backed it :D
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