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Unbound: Worlds Apart Prologue, a free introduction for the upcoming Unbound: Worlds Apart is now available on Linux letting you conjure magic portals to travel between different realities.

The developer, Alien Pixel Studios, mentioned that they went for a "cartoonish" style with a dark fairy tail story to give a fresh take on the genre. It's non-linear, with metroidvania elements and they said that your curiosity and exploration will be rewarded and have an impact on the overall atmosphere you get from it. They also have a sweet new animated trailer:

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Feature Highlight:

  • Beautiful hand-drawn art
  • Rich puzzle environment
  • Nonlinear Story - Metroidvanian elements
  • Play with portals
  • Malevolent enemies that you have to outsmart
  • Nonlinear Gameplay

I love the idea of it, making you pull up a portal to get around enemies and obstacles. Is it any good though? Well, it definitely looks the part. The visuals are simply wonderful. Have a look at some actual Linux gameplay footage in the below video:

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After playing it, I must admit my fondness for little Soli (the protagonist). They may be small but they're determined and wow—what an atmosphere! The gameplay does seem to be interesting, and it can be a little challenging to get your timing right on some of the platforming elements. Needing to switch quickly between portal and no portal I found a little tricky in parts. Wonderful audio too, mixed with an incredibly vibrant style that's quite a treat for the eyes. I'm actually now quite excited for the full game, this Prologue was worth a go for sure.

Try out the Unbound: Worlds Apart Prologue free for yourself on Steam. You can also wishlist/follow the full game on Steam, which has no current release date mentioned.

Unbound: Worlds Apart was originally funded on Kickstarter, you can see it any many more on our dedicated crowdfunding page.

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About the author -
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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no_information_here Apr 17, 2020
I just got around to playing the demo. It worked very well for me and my steam controller had no problem.

The precision of the platforming was no problem. Very much standard for the style of game, really. Found all the little hidden villagers.

I enjoyed the puzzles and look forward to the full game.
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