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Not a genre we cover often here but we always try to highlight a bit of everything. If you enjoy games very much aimed at adults, with plenty of NSFW elements (nudity, sex etc) then Seeds of Chaos might be for you.

Currently in Early Access, Seeds of Chaos from Venus Noire and TinyHat Studios mixes together RPG and Strategy elements plus Visual Novel style story telling into quite a unique package. There's castle management, exploration and by the looks of it - a lot of sex scenes.

There's a trailer below, which, uninspiringly doesn't really show you much:

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Feature Highlight:

  • Reactive Storytelling- branching which makes each playthrough feel personal & rewarding!
  • Indulge In Your Desires- debauchery awaits with over 100 unlockable sex scenes!
  • Customize Your Domain- flex your planning skills with our castle management system!
  • Explore A Rich Fantasy World- explore a map filled with discoveries and adventure!

It's actually been in development for a few years, only arriving on Steam earlier this year. With the SIEGEBREAKER update released on May 2 where it added official Linux support.

Even the store pages have images that are quite graphic, so be warned. You can find it on Steam and itch.io.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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chr May 5, 2020
Quoting: slaapliedje
Quoting: chr
Quoting: rustybroomhandleHeh, don't take this too seriously, but I find the tag "NSFW" amusing. Are there any games that are "safe for work"? I imagine even Candy Crush would get you in trouble.

To nitpick on other strongly established terms, I find the common usage of "mature" highly offensive to language and original meanings of words. Things tagged "mature" are more often than not some of the least mature (non-infantile) things out there. And I would really like to search for mature (non-infantile) content sometimes. But I do not have the words for these searches. "Adult" and "mature" are taken. "Grownup" or "non-infantile" or "non-childish" don't sound too promising.
Let's be fair, most of us are still 15 trapped inside older bodies.
The 'mature' and 'adult' thing to do is admit it!
The reason those things is there is not to say they would only be for non-infantile people, but so that dumbass parents who won't consume the product first before passing it for their kids to watch.
I laughed the other night as I started to watch Extraction on Netflix. Its warning was 'strong bloody violence throughout, language and brief drug use" doesn't even use proper commas, but the movie didn't disappoint!

Sorry, didn't mean to come off so shaming towards that. I definitely think there should be terminology (NSFW, adult, mature) for this kind of stuff. I just lament the loss of the word "mature" which I would like to see more of in my media. These two different meanings of "mature" would be completely orthogonal to each other - content can be both, neither or only one of the two.
Mnoleg May 5, 2020
Quoting: rustybroomhandleHeh, don't take this too seriously, but I find the tag "NSFW" amusing. Are there any games that are "safe for work"? I imagine even Candy Crush would get you in trouble.
Once I played the Zork trilogy via Frotz, It was an amazing blast from the past. I look forward to another idle period to continue with Enchanter.
razing32 May 5, 2020
Wasn't steam cracking down on explicit content ?
Surprised this did not get nuked.
Nanobang May 5, 2020
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Quoting: razing32hmmm
Wasn't steam cracking down on explicit content ?
Surprised this did not get nuked.

As I recall, they were (mostly) cracking down on Adult/Hentai games that featured artwork depicting characters that either were, or appeared to be, underage --- a common visual trope in Anime and Hentai.
Eike May 5, 2020
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Quoting: MnolegOnce I played the Zork trilogy via Frotz, It was an amazing blast from the past. I look forward to another idle period to continue with Enchanter.

chrisq May 5, 2020
Quoting: slaapliedjeLet's be fair, most of us are still 15 trapped inside older bodies.
The 'mature' and 'adult' thing to do is admit it!

I've heard this before, and if this is not a joke I truly feel sorry for the people that feels this way. Most of the people I knew at 15 were morons that knew nothing about life or the world, myself incuded.

Liking a few of the same things at 15 and 35 does not make you a 15 year old trapped in an older body. Things like gaming, sports and movies can be enjoyed all through life, but normally experienced differently and preferring different genres.
slaapliedje May 5, 2020
Quoting: chrisq
Quoting: slaapliedjeLet's be fair, most of us are still 15 trapped inside older bodies.
The 'mature' and 'adult' thing to do is admit it!

I've heard this before, and if this is not a joke I truly feel sorry for the people that feels this way. Most of the people I knew at 15 were morons that knew nothing about life or the world, myself incuded.

Liking a few of the same things at 15 and 35 does not make you a 15 year old trapped in an older body. Things like gaming, sports and movies can be enjoyed all through life, but normally experienced differently and preferring different genres.
Ah, so you see my point. Most people are sadly morons. Well, okay I will take a line from the great philosopher, George Carlin. "Think about how stupid the average person is. Then realize half the world are stupider than that!"
There are definitely, out of the people I used to call friends, that never really evolved past the 15 year old stage, and really are not the kind of people I would talk to now.
Look at how many people are falling for the Flat Earth thing... I rest my case.
chrisq May 6, 2020
Quoting: slaapliedje
Quoting: chrisq
Quoting: slaapliedjeLet's be fair, most of us are still 15 trapped inside older bodies.
The 'mature' and 'adult' thing to do is admit it!

I've heard this before, and if this is not a joke I truly feel sorry for the people that feels this way. Most of the people I knew at 15 were morons that knew nothing about life or the world, myself incuded.

Liking a few of the same things at 15 and 35 does not make you a 15 year old trapped in an older body. Things like gaming, sports and movies can be enjoyed all through life, but normally experienced differently and preferring different genres.
Ah, so you see my point. Most people are sadly morons. Well, okay I will take a line from the great philosopher, George Carlin. "Think about how stupid the average person is. Then realize half the world are stupider than that!"
There are definitely, out of the people I used to call friends, that never really evolved past the 15 year old stage, and really are not the kind of people I would talk to now.
Look at how many people are falling for the Flat Earth thing... I rest my case.

No, that's not what I said at all.

I said 15 year olds are morons compared to what they are when they grow up.

If that is not the case in your experience, then a change of environment might be a good idea.
slaapliedje May 6, 2020
Quoting: chrisq
Quoting: slaapliedje
Quoting: chrisq
Quoting: slaapliedjeLet's be fair, most of us are still 15 trapped inside older bodies.
The 'mature' and 'adult' thing to do is admit it!

I've heard this before, and if this is not a joke I truly feel sorry for the people that feels this way. Most of the people I knew at 15 were morons that knew nothing about life or the world, myself incuded.

Liking a few of the same things at 15 and 35 does not make you a 15 year old trapped in an older body. Things like gaming, sports and movies can be enjoyed all through life, but normally experienced differently and preferring different genres.
Ah, so you see my point. Most people are sadly morons. Well, okay I will take a line from the great philosopher, George Carlin. "Think about how stupid the average person is. Then realize half the world are stupider than that!"
There are definitely, out of the people I used to call friends, that never really evolved past the 15 year old stage, and really are not the kind of people I would talk to now.
Look at how many people are falling for the Flat Earth thing... I rest my case.

No, that's not what I said at all.

I said 15 year olds are morons compared to what they are when they grow up.

If that is not the case in your experience, then a change of environment might be a good idea.
Also not what I said. I said there are definitely those that I know that I no longer communicate with, that are perpetually stuck at 15. This happens frequently with heavy drug users. It is known. But really, so many don't develop much beyond their high school personalities. Has nothing to do with my environment.
slaapliedje May 8, 2020
Quoting: Mnoleg
Quoting: rustybroomhandleHeh, don't take this too seriously, but I find the tag "NSFW" amusing. Are there any games that are "safe for work"? I imagine even Candy Crush would get you in trouble.
Once I played the Zork trilogy via Frotz, It was an amazing blast from the past. I look forward to another idle period to continue with Enchanter.
The game I had some fantastic fun with recently and probably the most just pure joy I have had in a long long time playing a video game?

Asteroids on the Atari 7800...
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