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0 A.D. is a free and open source in-development real-time strategy game from Wildfire Games, one that hasn't seen a big release for quite some time (Alpha 23 was in 2018) but work continues on with it pulling in lots of goodies and Alpha 24 should be quite an exciting one.

What's always impressed me with 0 A.D. is the quality of the visuals, and they're set to look even better whenever Alpha 24 arrives. Before now it had no Anti-Aliasing but thankfully that was merged into the game earlier this year so it's going to look even better. As their team shared on Twitter, it's a nice difference:

It's most clear to see the difference on the roof.

Matches in 0 A.D. are going to get more lively too, with new animals making their introduction including the Eurasian Brown Bear, Polar Bear, Hippopotamus, plus Aurochs Bull and Aurochs Cow. Not only that, some previous issues with animals have been solved like speed not matching walking animation and building construction issues when animals are present.

Additionally, looking further over what they've done, there will also be tons of improvements to other areas of the game. New unit animations, a bunch of enhanced textures for various units, a new map with Sahyadri Buttes (the next picture below), another new map with Atlas Valleys, improved game icons and more.

If you're like me and you want building placement to match up we've got good news there too, as building-snapping has also been added in. When you hold down CTRL as you're moving around a building blueprint, it can then snap right against the sides of existing buildings. It's real handy! You can see a quick demo here first showing normal building placement, then the sudden snapping is the new feature when holding CTRL:

I have to admit my fondness for 0 A.D. is also due to another reason with their built-in scenario editor tool. You can use it to make maps of your own and do pretty much anything. It's also gained quite few new assets to include in maps from flora to cliffs, multiple new types of trees and just a lot more biodiversity to add in maps.

There's of course hundreds, if not thousands of other changes and improvements coming that I've not mentioned. 0 A.D. Alpha 24 is going to be good.

Want to try out the latest development version that will eventually be Alpha 24? You can download 0 A.D. as a Snap Package across many Linux distributions, look for the "edge" channel for all the latest bits. Keep in mind obviously that's all development code and there will be bugs.

If you've never seen 0 A.D. before head to the official site for more info.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Voc007 May 10, 2020
Love the game!
TheRiddick May 10, 2020
Why not SMAA? its superior!
TheSHEEEP May 10, 2020
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Quoting: TheRiddickWhy not SMAA? its superior!
Because it is a lot harder to implement.
FXAA is a relatively simple post-effect, just blurring together neighboring pixels more or less. One of the reasons it makes stuff quite blurry and some prefer having no AA at all over FXAA.

SMAA is more involved, effectively "intelligently" smoothing edges instead of just blurring. But it also requires a lot more GPU power (and afaik CPU as well for the preparation?).

It is possible their graphics pipeline is not set up for that. Who knows.
play0ad May 10, 2020
Quoting: TheSHEEEP
Quoting: TheRiddickWhy not SMAA? its superior!
Because it is a lot harder to implement.
FXAA is a relatively simple post-effect, just blurring together neighboring pixels more or less. One of the reasons it makes stuff quite blurry and some prefer having no AA at all over FXAA.

SMAA is more involved, effectively "intelligently" smoothing edges instead of just blurring. But it also requires a lot more GPU power (and afaik CPU as well for the preparation?).

It is possible their graphics pipeline is not set up for that. Who knows.

Hey there,

The code has been made so we can add more filters later on :) It just takes time to add such filters because we need to make sure they are gonna work for everyone. For instance the FXAA filter we used had to be modified because it only worked on NVIDIA hardware and would crash on AMD and Intel.

I can't say for sure we will provide SMAA in the next release, but some work as been started. However we are only volunteers so free time is defined by the amount of time we spend AFK;

Stay tuned for more updates, and thanks a lot to GamingOnLinux for this article :)

Last edited by play0ad on 10 May 2020 at 7:55 am UTC
coolbober May 10, 2020
Amazing game.
Tchey May 10, 2020
Ah yes, i was waiting for the update, time to play again i guess.
TheRiddick May 10, 2020
Quoting: TheSHEEEP
Quoting: TheRiddickWhy not SMAA? its superior!
Because it is a lot harder to implement.
FXAA is a relatively simple post-effect, just blurring together neighboring pixels more or less. One of the reasons it makes stuff quite blurry and some prefer having no AA at all over FXAA.

SMAA is more involved, effectively "intelligently" smoothing edges instead of just blurring. But it also requires a lot more GPU power (and afaik CPU as well for the preparation?).

It is possible their graphics pipeline is not set up for that. Who knows.

The code has already been done for SMAA (open source I believe) and it doesn't really chew anymore GPU/CPU power then FXAA. Trust me I've been using it and FXAA for many years analyzing it very closely in performance impact! It's just flat out better :)
Brisse May 10, 2020
Last week I was bored and randomly decided to try this out. I was very pleasantly surprised. Way better than I expected.
Sergey May 10, 2020
Great graphics engine reminds me some scenery from Age of Conan mmorpg and well its nice to see some World of Tanks on their engine :D their maps is kind of likely looking like some maps from WoT :D
Mumrik93 May 10, 2020
Quotewith new animals making their introduction including the Eurasian Brown Bear, Polar Bear, Hippopotamus, plus Aurochs Bull and Aurochs Cow.
Does said Hippopotamus wear a fancy tophat and fart rainbows as it flies trough the sky burping hearts? Cuz if it doesn't I'll be very disappointed.
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