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Dota 2 Battle Pass for The International 2021 now ends September 19

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Valve have been battling an issue with the Dota 2 Game Coordinator, that's caused so many match problems that they've extended the end time for The International 2021 Battle Pass.

Since around June 17, the Game Coordinator has been somewhat broken which means players were unable to find matches. Valve initially mentioned it was a network issue, then on June 19 said they were looking for the root cause which for some reason caused extreme load on the servers so suddenly and at the same time each day.

As for the Battle Pass since it's messed things up for players, Valve sent word out on Twitter that they will be extending the end date from September 12 to September 19 and they're continuing to investigate what has been causing this extreme and sudden extra load.

It's also highly unusual for us to know so early on when it will end since it only went live towards the end of May. That was quite a surprise to see. We're living through a completely extraordinary time with the Coronavirus though, especially since the actual tournament won't line up with the end of it since it's not until next year. We don't yet have a date for The International 2021 ether, once we do know we will let you know.

See more on the Battle Pass here, it's just about to break $16 million! We're quite some ways off the record-breaking amount from last time but it's got plenty of time left.

Dota 2 can be played free for Linux on Steam.

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Tags: Free Game, MOBA, Steam, Valve | Apps: Dota 2
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

kalin Jun 23, 2020
That was the last time I ever gave money to valve for dota 2. I pay to wait 15-20 min for a game that end for 5-15 min because of retarded matchmaking. Valve refuse to give my money back because I played that game for years. Payment was made 2 days before my request. The real gameplay after the payment was less then hour. Now I boycott valve for not returning my money. If someone make a petition or something for returning money or some way of punishment I'm in
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