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Stadia might not be reaching the heights that Google initially promised but they continue to tweak their game streaming service. Some big updates are now available.

In their latest community update blog post, they did a bit of an information drop. For starters, it seems everyone will get $10 / £10 off their next purchase and as they already said, new sign ups now only get one month of free Stadia Pro.

For playing on PC, we finally have built-in performance controls. You no longer have to use an Android device to switch between resolutions as it's right there in Stadia settings now. That's a very welcome change and something that truly should have been there from the beginning. Not only that though, performance / resolution settings are now per-device instead of being applied to everything. All sounding pretty good and sensible.

Google also rolled out experimental Android support for unapproved devices. So any device that can install the Stadia app can now play Stadia games. Touch screen controls were also rolled out. I tested it on a low-end Android Honor phone and it worked surprisingly smoothly.

As a reminder, more games also entered Stadia Pro recently (instant play links):

Stadia Pro will also be getting The Elder Scrolls Online on June 16 with cross-progression, cross-play with the Windows / macOS version and apparently expansion purchases will work across platforms too so you won't have to buy them again.

Other games that got dates for Stadia:

  • Relicta - August 4
  • Windbound - August 28

You can try Stadia on the official site in any Chromium browser on Linux.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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robvv Jun 17, 2020
Hope I'm not hijacking the thread, but I was speaking with some teenage Windows gamers online earlier on and the actual response of one was, "Stadia? Yikes!". They all agreed!

They had the opinion that it was way too pricey for the service offered and that they would be more interested in GeForce Now (though one chap was showing off his AMD GPU!). They also liked the idea of Linux but still were under the impression that there were no games available for our OS :-)
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