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Puppygames classic 'Titan Attacks!' gets a Collectors USB Cassette

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Huey Games in partnership with Puppygames are offering a very fancy looking collectors set for Titan Attacks! that's on Kickstarter and it looks wonderful.

This is the sixth in the series of collectors editions that Huey Games have done, with previous titles getting the treatment being: Hyper Sentinel, Droid Assault, Ultratron, The Mystery of Woolley Mountain, Bard's Gold and now Titan Attacks!.

What's great about how they do it, is that they include DRM-free builds of the games on the stylish pull-out USB card and they clearly advertise the compatibility for Linux too. It also includes a bunch of extras like soundtracks, artwork and a bunch more. If you're a collector this is pretty awesome.

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If you do wish to grab a copy, Huey Games are currently crowdfunding this latest on Kickstarter. The goal is pretty low in total at £3,750 and they're well on the way to getting the full funding they need for it and they have almost a month left as it's a fresh campaign.

Missed their previous boxes? You can pick them up on the Huey Games website, where again they thankfully very clearly label each one like Ultratron being noted as "PC (Windows, Linux), Mac".

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Liam Dawe Jun 10, 2020
Quoting: GuestNice to have some news from PuppyGames. I hope Basingstoke hasn't killed them. Does anyone know if they still have game projects ?
Yes, we wrote about their latest here.
g000h Jun 10, 2020
Aww. And there was me thinking they had rewritten their games to Z80 machine code, and putting out ZX Spectrum titles you can load from tape drive.
kokoko3k Jun 10, 2020
Quoting: g000hAww. And there was me thinking they had rewritten their games to Z80 machine code, and putting out ZX Spectrum titles you can load from tape drive.
Amiga, C64, Spectrum, AtariST and other retro machines are still alive.
Games are actually being developed, take a look there:

They are doing crazy things, really, like porting prince of persia to the intellevision:

Last edited by kokoko3k on 10 June 2020 at 6:44 pm UTC
anewson Jun 11, 2020
Revenge of the Titans was my favourite, I'm surprised they haven't done it yet... Loved Ultratron and Droid Assault though, might pick one of them up in the meantime. Thanks for this heads up, I had no idea this was a thing!

Actually they're too pricey for me; still super cool though.
Ivancillo Jun 11, 2020
I looovveeee it!
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