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With the Halo: The Master Chief Collection expanding thanks to the PC release of Halo 3, it came with some upgrades that for some has broken audio - here's a solution.

Previously Halo: Reach, Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary and Halo 2: Anniversary all worked nicely in single-player on Linux thanks to the Steam Play Proton compatibility layer and 343 Industries including a switch to turn off the anti-cheat easily. Halo 3 was released for it on Steam on July 14, which came with an update that upgraded the audio and as a side-effect it causes issues on Linux.

For Halo: Reach and Halo 3, you may find you only get audio in the menu but not the games themselves. Thankfully, there's a relatively simple fix for it. You just need to set your Wine version in Proton for the Halo: The Master Chief Collection to Windows 7 and that fixes it. To do so easily, you can grab the protontricks tool and then simply run this quick line in terminal:

protontricks 976730 win7

What is protontricks? It's a simple tool to adjust Proton settings, enabling you to do a few handy extras when needed like this. Do so at your own risk of course, we're just giving you the info. In my own personal testing, it worked great. Here's a video of Halo 3 running on Linux:

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I continue to be slightly amused at Microsoft / Xbox Game Studios titles running so nicely on a Linux PC. The classic Halo titles are great too, and of course having them playable on Linux is just fantastic.

You can buy Halo: The Master Chief Collection on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Lolo01 Jul 16, 2020
QuoteI continue to be slightly amused at Microsoft / Xbox Game Studios titles running so nicely on a Linux PC.

I also appreciate the irony of the situation.
TheRiddick Jul 17, 2020
It would be pretty funny if one day WSL2 allow for MS Store Game Pass to work on Linux, that'd be pretty amusing.
14 Jul 18, 2020
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I keep holding off on buying this collection. I don't know how long I'll be able to hold off.
Larian Jul 18, 2020
I pulled the trigger on this one yesterday. I love being able to play this - on Linux - with K&M controls. I'm a bit nervous about the upcoming games in MCC working on day 1, but even if they don't, the 4 that are currently available do! At $10 USD each on average I can't complain!
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