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Therefore Games have announced that their popular roguelite puzzler DemonCrawl is coming to Linux, and it's currently in Beta with a release due in a few weeks. I've not played this one myself yet but it does look quite fun. The basic idea of Minesweeper, with roguelite and RPG mechanics thrown in with hundreds of unique items, stages, and abilities.

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There's an absolutely huge amount of content included with 600+ unique items, multiple difficulty modes, 50+ different stages to battle through, special 'stage mods' to dramatically change how you play it, multiple game modes and open-ended progression allowing you to find and spend tokens on character Talents. On top of that there's even online leaderboards, Steam Achivements and more.

While playable in the Proton compatibility layer, it does have a number of issues. In the announcement, they said that the problems don't exist in their new upcoming Linux version. They will only officially support the latest stable Ubuntu build, but it should work across most distributions and they shared a shot of them working on it:

You can follow DemonCrawl on Steam. Once we get an idea of a release date, we will let you know. They said you can support their Patreon to get Beta access, details in the announcement.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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hardpenguin Jul 27, 2020
QuoteMixing together Minesweeper with a roguelite
Stop! You already had me there

Last edited by hardpenguin on 27 July 2020 at 1:33 pm UTC
Relsre Aug 1, 2020
Oh HECK YES! I've been hoping for this since nearly a year ago. I've had a great time with DemonCrawl on Android, the devs have added so much to the game since, highly recommended if you're fond of Minesweeper (GNOME Mines?) + Binding of Isaac-like variety in powerups/modifiers. Looking forward to the offical release~ 😁
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