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Aethernaut looks like a great upcoming mind-bending puzzle room game

By - | Views: 17,038

Inspired by the likes of Portal and The Talos Principle, developer Dragon Slumber are working on and recently announced Aethernaut and it looks slick.

Set in a claustrophobic steampunk world, you must solve puzzle rooms using light, sensors, portals and time travel to gather the aether vials and access the core of the "Construct". With the help of your guide, Doctor Louis Cornell, they explain how this Construct came to be abandoned and why you were chosen to help save it. Is everything as it seems though, is Cornell actually trying to help? The voices creeping in say otherwise and they want your help too.

Here's a quick teaser trailer:

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Not a whole lot of footage to go on but even so, that small slice definitely managed to capture my interest. First-person puzzlers with this puzzle-room style can be excellent as we've seen before. With the Steampunk setting and the mixture of puzzle elements, it could be great.

Planned features:

  • Solve over 100 puzzle rooms
  • Explore a vast open world by jumping, ledge grabbing and portaling
  • Master the three aether cubes through light driven puzzle design
  • Uncover the secrets of the Construct through voice recordings left by its citizens
  • Discover multiple endings depending on how you complete puzzles
  • Accessible gameplay with simple controls

You can wishlist and follow Aethernaut on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Nagezahn Aug 6, 2020
If you search for it's name on Steam there also is a demo listed in the results, though the page redirects to the main game's one. Since the trailer does indeed not tell much I had hoped to get my hands on the demo, but we have to wait for that, too, I guess.
It name sounds similar to an Argentinian comic from the 1957, Eternauta.
tuubi Jan 31, 2021
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I know this is an old thread, but here goes anyway:

A demo seems to be available on Linux and installs just fine, but trying to start it absolutely corrupts and destroys my desktop session. I had to switch to a text console to restart my display manager service. Killing the game process wasn't enough.

Never seen a Unity game do that before. :D
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