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Monster Crown appears to be an early success on Steam

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After a successful crowdfunding campaign 2018, the monster catching game Monster Crown released into Early Access at the end of July 2020 and it appears to be doing very well.

On their original Kickstarter they had 2,921 backers, which is a pretty reasonable amount for the $45,415 in funding they gathered. The trouble is, with how many thousands of games are releasing all the time on Steam, having a previous crowdfunding campaign doesn't mean that will be replicated there. We've seen many developers struggle but it looks like Studio Aurum will have plenty of funds to keep on improving it. Their publisher, SOEDESCO, emailed us to confirm in the first 72 hours that Monster Crown had "more buyers than it got backers during the entire Kickstarter campaign".

SOEDESCO wouldn't tell us how many that was or what Steam platforms it was. However, even if we simply round up to 3,000 that's still 1,000 sales a day across the first three days. For a retro pixel-art monster catching game, it's impressive.

It goes to show that even with how busy Steam is, success for a small team is still absolutely possible. Since release, they've been furiously patching issues as they come up now that have a lot more people playing.

You can find Monster Crown on Steam in Early Access. See the release trailer below:

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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redneckdrow Aug 6, 2020
Just snagged this myself. I'll write a review when I've spent a reasonable amount of time with it. But those sales numbers do look promising, and this article made me decide to pull trigger. Normally I wait a few months for early access titles, but the activity the game is seeing makes me optimistic, being that I love 'Mon games.

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Pokemon RBY/FRLG, Digimon World 3, Monster Rancher 4, the Siralim series, and an obscure PS1 game called Eternal Eyes are my favorites. Guess I'm still a kid at heart.
Phlebiac Aug 7, 2020
Quoting: redneckdrowGuess I'm still a kid at heart.

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