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Developer Suzaku and Top Hat Studios recently released Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story, and it unfortunately looked like a truly messy launch.

What is it? "Sense - 不祥的预感: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story is a 2.5D game inspired by Clock Tower and Fatal Frame. With careful attention to pacing, atmosphere and storytelling, Sense hopes to return the horror genre to its roots; celebrating the slow, fearful creep of dread instead of relying on over the top action and jump scares. The ghosts - as glitches on our reality - act as spiritual and paranormal threats, not monsters to be killed. The horror of our story comes from atmosphere and storytelling, not loud sound and artificial effects."

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Sounds pretty good, it looked like it had a great atmosphere too but the launch was so bad, that the publisher and developer asked Valve to actually remove the game from sale so they could rework what was needed. They were quick as a team to react on this, as the statement was posted only a day after release. Valve never did remove it, with Top Hat Studios mentioning Valve refused to remove it "due to Steam policy", so they put their heads down and got to work anyway.

A messy situation but a week or so later and a big 1.1 update is out to address the most pressing issues. The highlights include:

  • Updated Save System - Added AutoSaves/Quick Saves
  • Additional Journal Entries Explaining Controls & Saving
  • Improving Key Bindings (inc. Esc key for pause rather than enter)
  • Numerous Bug Fixes
  • Various Interaction Chain Fixes
  • Improved Visual Prompts
  • NG+/NG++ Updates
  • Smaller Fixes Throughout the Game

Having a bad launch is often close to impossible for a smaller developer to come back from, so hopefully Sense will start to turn things around.

You can find it on Steam and itch.io.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

PublicNuisance Sep 7, 2020
This is why I rarely buy games at launch. If I give it even a month or two and wait for a few patches I get a better product. Kudos to the developer for actually trying to fix the game. It's sometimes makes me wary if I look to see a game hasn't released a single patch on a game that has been out a while because the odds of it not having even one bug is slim to none.
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