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The Steam Game Festival: Autumn Edition is up with fresh demos to play

By - | Views: 17,177

Another big event is happening on Steam now with the Steam Game Festival: Autumn Edition and there's plenty of new and improved demos to check out until October 13.

Long gone are the days where a demo would be a given, as they're often replaced with paid-for Betas where you get access if you pre-order and all sorts like that. Still a few appear but not a whole lot and that's why events like this are so good for us, although it is a lot to take in with such a short amount of time.

There's obviously a lot there and picking what to play in this time is difficult. If you're after titles that will offer Linux support, here's 10 I think are worth keeping an eye on and trying out:

  1. Aloof
  2. Bonfire Peaks
  3. Bots & Belts
  4. Elteria Adventures
  5. Fractal Space
  6. Groove Gunner - VR only
  7. Hadean Tactics
  8. Hybrid Beasts
  9. Tenderfoot Tactics
  10. Unspottable

If any of them really stand out, or we have something to say about them we will let you know across other articles.

The event ends October 13 around 5PM UTC. See the special event page here on Steam, and you can find all the developer livestreams at this link.

Note: currently, the Linux icon is broken on the event page and Valve seems to have removed all platform icons from the demo banner on store pages. We assume that's all unintentional and have let them know. Update: they fixed it.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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flesk 10 years Oct 9, 2020
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  • Contributing Editor
I played Skellboy Refractured yesterday, which is an action adventure made in a cardboard cutout style. I wasn't sure what to make of it when I saw it, but I thought the story and dialogue was fun, and the gameplay is interesting.

I also played Jumpala, which is a competitive action platformer that can be played against an AI opponent. It seemed pretty smooth to play, but it's really not my type of game.
Expalphalog Oct 9, 2020
Fabled Lands is awesome but super short. If you've ever played any of the old solo pen and paper RPG novels like Joe Dever's Lone Wolf series, this is pretty much a graphical representation of that. Lots of dice rolling and decision making with simple turn-based tactical combat. I wouldn't recommend it for everybody, but if you're an old school role player or boardgamer like myself, then you'll love it.
Anza Oct 10, 2020
I stumbled upon some gems, but all of the haven't been that inspiring. Some of them haven't been mentioned here yet.


  • Aurora: The Lost medallion: seems solid point and click adventure game
  • Marble Age remastered: Kind of greek civilization with training wheels on
  • Skellboy: Hack and slash platformer with gameplay variety already in the demo
  • Space Crew: Spaceship simulator with emphasis on crew management (at the moment requires Proton, though all the signs are there that native version will be available)

  • Ampersat: ASCII themed twin stick shooter and hack slash game, has some potential
  • Perilous Warp: FPS that doesn't seem to have anything that hasn't been seen already quite many times


  • Jungles of Maxtheria: Puzzle platformer with multiple gameplay issues
  • Boy Beats World: Intro that feels like it takes forever and freezes when hugging a tree (I have no idea why I did that twice)
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