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VR rhythm game 'Groove Gunner' enters Early Access with Linux support

By - | Views: 13,304

After a new VR game that's supported on Linux? There's not a lot to pick from but you can now add Groove Gunner to your collection. 

Groove Gunner’s unique take on the VR Rhythm genre challenges players with a mix of shooting and blocking. A true test of skill as you move, shoot and block to the beat. BitCutter Studios reached out to us before about it, and they did some early testing with members of our community which was really great to see. While it's in Early Access, it shouldn't be for long. They're estimating only a couple of months to get it finished and polished up enough for a full release. Check out the release trailer:

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Currently it features 15 full songs each with their own stage, 4 different difficulty levels, a full song editor which is the same one they use, leaderboards, Steam Achievements, accessibility settings and more. They plan to continue expanding upon it with additional accessibility settings, new game modes, translations into more languages and so on.

It doesn't have a lot of user reviews yet being a new game and a VR title so it's something of a niche but the early indicators are quite positive.

You can find Groove Gunner on Steam, VR device required.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

Ehvis Nov 3, 2020
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I've played it for a couple of hours. It's working flawlessly and it's highly addictive. I also appreciate that there is a good selection of rock and metal in this game instead of the usual stuff you find in rhythm games. For an early access title this one is pretty solid.

There are a few things that I would like to see happen during EA though:
- On the index controllers you need to pull the trigger all the way to the end click for it to register. This occasionally causes me to miss a shot. But I read that a sensitivity setting is being worked on, so that should be good.
- There is no difficulty rating for the songs even though some are clearly harder than others on the same level.
- Obviously the point is to time based on the rhythm of the music and not on the visual queue of the target reaching the destination. This is actually essential since you should have your eyes on the next target before that happens. However, in practice there are certain sequences in some songs that I can't seem to get without looking for the timing. Probably has to do with the fact that I have no technical knowledge of music whatsoever and that I would consider myself somewhat rhythmically challenged, but I still think this is something that should not be a problem in recruit difficulty.

I hope this game does well so we can have some expansions with more music.
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