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Is this actually seriously real? I still have some doubts but I am beginning to get hungry. KFC and Cooler Master have properly announced the KFConsole.

Going over the details of it, what they've actually created is a fully powered custom-built PC case with a built-in "Chicken Chamber". Yeah, really. It mentions how it uses "the systems natural heat and airflow system you can now focus on your gameplay and enjoy hot, crispy chicken between rounds". Completely ridiculous of course but I've no doubt if it really becomes available, people will absolutely buy it.

It makes use of the Cooler Master NC100 with an Intel Nuc 9 Extreme Compute Element, meaning it's no slouch and will actually pack quite a performance punch. The KFConsole will also come with a "first-of-its-kind" hot-swappable GPU slot with "Asus-powered graphics" (they're not saying what GPU model it comes with yet). Plenty of storage space too with two 1TB Seagate BarraCuda SSDs. You won't be running out of space quickly, and it will make the entire thing feel quite snappy.

Taking all that together, the concerning point (apart from crumbs getting everywhere) is the price. Nothing about it sounds particularly affordable. Even if they end up not selling it, you have to admit the marketing is hilarious and probably worth it alone - not that they need any extra marketing.

The real question is though: will it Linux? I'm sure it won't be long until someone installs it.

2020 continues being a very weird year.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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STiAT Dec 28, 2020
Certainly looks cool.
ageres Dec 28, 2020
Quoting: STiATCertainly looks cool.
I'd say, looks hot.
Solarwing Dec 28, 2020
I have serious doubts about this.For Linux?My friends green little men from Mars will conquire planet earth before this console will support Linux as OS.After a juicy battle there will be only one OS on earth - Martix which is Linux based OS from Mars ofc!Poor earthlings!Okay back to earth! It would be nice if this console could support Linux from the start. But knowing how small portion Linux still has in the OS market it feels unlikely. But there is always room for a hope.
fnordianslip Dec 28, 2020
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Hmm. Back in the early-mid 1990s, I bought my first PC compatible computer, a 386DX-40 with 4MB RAM and a 100MB hard disk. It came with a terrible 14" CRT monitor apparently made by a company called KFC. It had a horizontal width knob to adjust the screen size, but no way of adjusting the vertical height. It was OK running Windows 3.1, but when running MS-DOS, it rendered the first line of the terminal above the display so it could not be seen. I can tell you that the Colonel does not make good monitors!
danniello Dec 28, 2020
Hmmm... I think that they missed the point. "Real" PC game console (Linux or Windows - do not matter) - will be too expensive for "average" KFC consumer.

But... Some potato based PC could be quite affordable (for example based on Raspberry Pi). What is needed? Computer capable enough to start browser - so almost everything nowadays. Unfortunately streaming services like GeForce NOW and Stadia require commercial, proprietary and spying Chrome browser. License for installing Chrome could be probably quite expensive if Google realizes that they could earn on it - probably they will force manufacturer to use not Linux but fully optimized for Google "telemetry" ChromeOS or Android.... Open-source Chromium could be the solution...

Raspberry Pi could handle start some old console emulators plus some small indie games "natively" on Linux. All other AAA games - access via streaming services like GeForce NOW website.
CountVlad Dec 28, 2020
Hmm... the "Chicken Chamber" is kept warm by the computer, right? That just strikes me as a food poisoning incident waiting to happen!
TheSHEEEP Dec 28, 2020
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Quoting: CountVladHmm... the "Chicken Chamber" is kept warm by the computer, right? That just strikes me as a food poisoning incident waiting to happen!
"Hey, there's still some chicken there from last month! And it's still hot, too!"
Mnoleg Dec 28, 2020
Today is the Holy Innocents Day, it's a celebration similar to April Fools' in some catholic countries.
Jahimself Dec 28, 2020
I have stopped purchasing coolermaster psu and case since a few years, and I don't regret it even more now :p
Odisej Dec 28, 2020
For me, KFC is more of a, well, fast food chain so I just had to read the article only to find out it has nothing to do with chickens.
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