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Valheim managed to sell over 1 million copies in the first week

By - | Views: 28,385

It was clear from the moment it release that Iron Gate was onto something with Valheim, their Norse mythology and Vikings inspired open world co-op survival game.

For an Early Access game on Steam from a new developer to hit over 1 million sales in the first week, that's pretty damn incredible considering the competition they are up against. By the second day of release they were already hitting close to 20 thousand players online, by the fourth day it was hitting close to 100 thousand online and they've since hit a peak player count of 219,465 on Thursday, February 11.

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We did reach out to the developer to see how the Linux sales went so far but no reply yet. They're only a small team and due to the popularity, they've probably got thousands of emails waiting so it's not really surprising. A lot of it was developed on Linux too, so that's awesome.

They've got a lot planned to come to the game through 2021 and perhaps even beyond considering how popular it is, they should now have plenty of funding to ensure it sees a long life. It's already got a huge amount to see and do though, it's definitely going to stay as one of 2021's best Linux games.

You can buy Valheim with Linux support on Steam. It's an easy recommendation.

Just as a reminder: if you want to hook up with other Linux players, our Discord has a Game Server channel with multiple people hosting already and plenty of regulars from our community joining in on the fun.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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slaapliedje Feb 16, 2021
Quoting: Thunder_Tw
Quoting: slaapliedjeNow if I can just figure out how to get it running full screen in 3840x1200@144hz!
Why would you need to run this on 144Hz? Dang I'm not even capable to get this running on 60 at a full HD screen, and enjoy it without any doubt on 30-40 Hz.
First/White world problems are fascinating, and terrifying at the same time.

Thumbs up for the game, I love the atmosphere. Loads of fun playing it with friends.
Not sure why you'd say it that way. Also 144hz is the refresh rate, not necessarily the frame rate, though the two often get confused. Also, more about the resolution than the frequency, but my desktop natively runs at the 3840x1200@144hz, so if I'm going to load up a game, I prefer it take advantage of my screen.
drlamb Feb 17, 2021
The latest update today seems to have fixed my vulkan performance, though more testing is needed. Here's the relevant bit from the changelog:

Quote* Dedicated server CPU usage fix (Framerate limiter)
Thunder_Tw Feb 18, 2021
Quoting: slaapliedjeso if I'm going to load up a game, I prefer it take advantage of my screen
I totally understand that you want to get the full performance out of the system you have.

Yesterday evening, your post sounded to me like you could not enjoy it until it performs at 144Hz. It was like a boast of the money you can throw at your entertainment platform. Because who even needs some figuring out to run something on full-screen, while using Linux? Maybe I'm chasing a ghost in your comment though, sorry for jumping in the ghost-buster wagon like that.
slaapliedje Feb 18, 2021
Quoting: Thunder_Tw
Quoting: slaapliedjeso if I'm going to load up a game, I prefer it take advantage of my screen
I totally understand that you want to get the full performance out of the system you have.

Yesterday evening, your post sounded to me like you could not enjoy it until it performs at 144Hz. It was like a boast of the money you can throw at your entertainment platform. Because who even needs some figuring out to run something on full-screen, while using Linux? Maybe I'm chasing a ghost in your comment though, sorry for jumping in the ghost-buster wagon like that.
No worries. Yeah it wasn't even the 144hz, it was more about 'in this day and age a program can't detect all the weird resolutions out there and have just a set static amount listed?' We've gotten to the point where Wide, Ultra wide and Super Ultrawide are far more common, and most games / engines can detect such things. I guess I could install it in Windows and see if it's a Linux issue vs Game issue.
Thunder_Tw Feb 19, 2021
Quoting: slaapliedje'in this day and age a program can't detect all the weird resolutions out there and have just a set static amount listed?'
Sounds like the game only takes a subset of the list of resolutions the driver pushes out. 10+ years ago, the list of resolutions was insanely long, even before the HD screens. I wouldn't be surprised if the game did some filtering to not give a list of 100 resolutions and their refresh rate possibilities.

Quoting: slaapliedjeI could install it in Windows and see if it's a Linux issue vs Game issue.
If it is a Linux issue, that would be disappointing. I hope there is a simple config file to set the options u need.
slaapliedje Feb 19, 2021
Quoting: Thunder_Tw
Quoting: slaapliedje'in this day and age a program can't detect all the weird resolutions out there and have just a set static amount listed?'
Sounds like the game only takes a subset of the list of resolutions the driver pushes out. 10+ years ago, the list of resolutions was insanely long, even before the HD screens. I wouldn't be surprised if the game did some filtering to not give a list of 100 resolutions and their refresh rate possibilities.

Quoting: slaapliedjeI could install it in Windows and see if it's a Linux issue vs Game issue.
If it is a Linux issue, that would be disappointing. I hope there is a simple config file to set the options u need.
Normally there is one, I can't seem to find it though. Granted I haven't spent a large amount of time looking for it (been a tad busy with the work thing, and somehow having terrible luck with blowing up boot loaders, while trying to mess with Garuda (finally gave up on that and am just putting my normal Arch install onto the SSD, as either KDE or Garuda keeps having weird issues).

It wouldn't even be that bad if Valheim also supported Borderless Windowed mode, but it's either Windowed (with the giant gnome window bar up top) or fullscreen, which misses the resolution of the screen I have, so either it'll be with chunks off screen, or not full screen, which breaks any sort of focus I can have on the game. Damn ADHD :P
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