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The last of the announcements from Paradox Insider today to be covered here on GOL is Crusader Kings III: Northern Lords, a Norse themed 'Flavor Pack' for one of 2020's best games. Meant to keep players going until the first major expansion, Northern Lords pulls in the popular Norse culture some more with new events and themes related to Norse society. It will release on March 16, trailer is below:

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  • Norse Adventurer Realms: Norse characters may abandon their own homes and lead hosts into foreign lands to establish their own kingdoms.
  • Jomsvikings and Shieldmaidens: Norse holy warriors and stalwart shieldmaidens take up arms on your behalf, while poet characters can compose stinging rebukes or romantic overtures.
  • New Cultural Content: Special Norse dynastic legacies, Norse blot sacrifices, trials by combat and cultural innovations, as well as numerous new events for additional color.
  • New Art and Music: Original art and musical score to enhance your playing experience.
  • And more: Berserkers, missionaries, runestones, Varangian adventurers, new decisions and other highlights from the exciting history of the Norse people.

You can buy Crusader Kings III from the Humble Store or Steam.

Paradox are also doing a new event called PDXCON Remixed between May 21-23 with a new Paradox Development Studio title to be revealed then.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

kaiman Mar 14, 2021
No exactly what I had been hoping for, as I had planned to begin my second game somewhere in the far east of the map. But I do like the extra flavor this might add. Having only played the Irish so far, it's hard to tell how big the differences between cultures already are, but extra nuance certainly won't hurt.
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