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If you need a new fast-pacing racing fix, check out the promising looking Early Access game Metric Racer which has recently added Linux support on Steam. A game that looks a lot like Wipeout and BallisticNG, it's nice to see more developers attempt such a racer as there's not all that many.

Metric Racer offers up a highly stylized version with a fancy cartoon-like visual style for the ships, along with plenty of customization options to really make it your own. There's also a full level editor so you can let out your creative side with Steam Workshop support. Check out the trailer:

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Virtex Edge Design is a solo developer too, so it's once again impressive to see what can be done with so little. The developer is also working on Frequency Shift, a music-based geometric puzzle game. Curiously, it looks like Metric Racer is not just another Unity title, they appear to be using MonoGame.

While in Early Access they will be adding in full online multiplayer, with it currently already supporting split-screen local play. More planets to race across will also be added along with all the spit and polish you would expect from a fully released game. They're estimating being in Early Access for 8 months to a year.

Find Metric Racer in Early Access on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Dunc Apr 8, 2021
How about a steampunk version called Imperial Racer?
BielFPs Apr 8, 2021
Quoting: DuncHow about a steampunk version called Imperial Racer?
This is so wizard Annie
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