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GamingOnLinux moves on from Freenode to Libera.Chat for IRC

By - | Views: 18,629

IRC, that lovely simple chat network that's been around since forever is still going despite other much more popular solutions appearing (hi Discord) and recently the huge Freenode network had a hostile takeover.

The situation and history of what's going on isn't exactly easy to explain. To keep it somewhat simple: Andrew Lee (rasengan) who is an entrepreneur, a crown prince of Korea, the founder of Private Internet Access, Shells and more now owns and controls Freenode. You can see a pretty reasonable summary over on Ars Technica.

Sadly, the newer owners of Freenode have since decided to make many missteps and have become outright hostile to us and a great many other channels. We've seen over 700 projects (including us!) have their Freenode channels be taken over, removed and redirected elsewhere while the remaining Freenode staff attempt to take control. Why? Us and all the others had the sheer audacity to mention Libera.Chat and so Freenode swooped in to take control of any channel that does.

Imagine if Twitter, Facebook, Discord, Matrix, Mastodon and so on took over if you dared to mention another network? To be blunt, the way Freenode (Andrew Lee) has been acting has been more like a hostile dictatorship than anything we wish to be associated with and so we're cutting all ties.

Like multiple hundreds of other websites, FOSS projects and more, we've migrated over to Libera.Chat and we suggest you do the same.

If you wish to continue being part of our community on IRC, please point your clients to #gamingonlinux on Libera.Chat. We have updated our IRC webchat to this.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Perkeleen_Vittupää May 26, 2021
Thank you, Mr. Jarkko Oikarinen, the father of IRC, for this marvel that carries even today!
Mohandevir May 26, 2021
Just read Ars Technica's article... Gosh! That's ugly! Let's wish the best to Libera.chat!
linuxjacques May 26, 2021
Sad to see freenode ending. I've been on it since 2000.
ElectricPrism May 26, 2021
QuoteWe've seen over 700 projects (including us!) have their Freenode channels be taken over ... [because we] had the sheer audacity to mention Libera.Chat

Owch. I would like to thank Andrew Lee for confirmation that (Ex & Decorated Freenode Staff) Libera.Chat criticisms must be valid. I remained partially skeptical up until this moment.

What a mess, may Freenode.net be buried quickly so the legacy behind the name is not further tarnished by this skidmark known as Andrew Lee.

Last edited by ElectricPrism on 26 May 2021 at 7:28 pm UTC
Kithop May 26, 2021
Thankfully, IRC (and Matrix and Mastodon listed in the article) are open enough that you can just cut ties and say 'screw it, we're doing our own!', like the Libera.Chat team is doing.

Any mention of them on Freenode gets you booted, and yeah:
It's happening (Matrix)
to lots
of people

Also, for anyone using the 'main' matrix.org homeserver, they're working on proper IRC bridging:
Bridge libera.chat #1324
Dunc May 26, 2021
So, something that's been nagging at me since people started mentioning it... is he a Prince of the Republic of Korea, or the Democratic Republic of Korea?
win8linux May 27, 2021
Quoting: DuncSo, something that's been nagging at me since people started mentioning it... is he a Prince of the Republic of Korea, or the Democratic Republic of Korea?

He's a prince of Korea as a whole, as the Korean split is post-dynastic. To be clear, his family has essentially no power at all. They are entirely symbolic or ceremonial, unlike some other existing royal families. Lee has however seemingly rebranded his company London Trust Media into Imperial Family Companies using his family's royal symbols:


Last edited by win8linux on 27 May 2021 at 12:54 am UTC
Purple Library Guy May 27, 2021
Quoting: win8linux
Quoting: DuncSo, something that's been nagging at me since people started mentioning it... is he a Prince of the Republic of Korea, or the Democratic Republic of Korea?

He's a prince of Korea as a whole, as the Korean split is post-dynastic.
Does the government of North Korea accept that concept? I mean, the Kim family are basically kings so I'm not sure they'd be enthused about rival claimant monarchs.
win8linux May 27, 2021
Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: win8linux
Quoting: DuncSo, something that's been nagging at me since people started mentioning it... is he a Prince of the Republic of Korea, or the Democratic Republic of Korea?

He's a prince of Korea as a whole, as the Korean split is post-dynastic.
Does the government of North Korea accept that concept? I mean, the Kim family are basically kings so I'm not sure they'd be enthused about rival claimant monarchs.

No, it does not. The Korean royal family considers the Republic of Korea (SK) as the legitimate government of Korea and in turn, South Korea recognizes them as the historical and symbolic imperial family.
edenist May 27, 2021
Quoting: KithopThankfully, IRC (and Matrix and Mastodon listed in the article) are open enough that you can just cut ties and say 'screw it, we're doing our own!', like the Libera.Chat team is doing.

While frustrating as a heavy freenode user, I'm looking on the bright side and using whole incident as an example of why open, federated communication protocols are important. What do you do if the owners of discord et al do something the community doesn't like?

The community can simply pack up and move elsewhere with the same clients and carry on.
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