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Heroic Games Launcher is an application built on top of the a command-line client called Legendary, and Heroic has a fresh bug fix release out to help ahead of a major release.

The application itself is built for Linux upon tech like Electron, and it does work very nicely. Why the need for it? Well, Epic Games don't support Linux with their official client or with the games on the service even if they have a Linux build elsewhere. With that in mind, games downloaded will run in a compatibility layer like Wine and Proton.

This Heroic 1.7.2 release cleans up issues from the last stable version but does not have all the features in the upcoming 1.8 release which has a first Release Candidate out.

Here's what's new in Heroic 1.7.2:


  • Fix a bug with wine settings not being updated when having only one wine version installed.
  • Fix a bug when moving game to a folder with spaces was not working.
  • Fix a bug where DXVK wasn't being installed on a prefix folder with spaces.
  • Fix a bug where when canceling the installation, Heroic started the installation anyway in the wrong path.
  • Fix LatestLog button not working.
  • Fix Winetricks and Winecfg not working for Proton Prefixes
  • Other small fixes across settings.


  • Improved Unreal Marketplace selection
  • Other minor UI improvements and fixes.
  • tar.xz file is back for those who likes it instead of the AppImage. Should work on any distro as well.
  • Launch Protocol is working, but it's not handling games that need updates. Just use xdg-open heroic://launch/{appName}. AppName is not the name of the game, but the internal name that Epic uses. For instance, for Rocket league should be: xdg-open heroic://launch/Sugar.

Find Heroic up on GitHub.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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fearnflavio Jun 23, 2021
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Quoting: UsualBeen wanting to use this launcher, but I always get stuck after putting my SID.

Check if you have python 3 version 3.8 or above installed. Normally this happens because of this. Distros like OpenSuse Leap and Debian stable have an old version of python so it won't work.
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