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Humble Choice for July is up with a fresh set of games to pick from

By - | Views: 11,769

Humble Choice (formerly Humble Monthly) is the subscription service from Humble Bundle where each month they give you a fresh set of a games to redeem.

The amount of games you get to keep depends on what tier you pay for. Their Lite plan gives you access to the Humble Trove, which is quite a decent selection of DRM-free games you can access any time and 10% off in the Humble Store.

The higher Basic plan also has the Humble Trove access, 10% off in the store and you can also redeem three games from their monthly list. The top end is the Premium plan which gives you 20% off in their store, Humble Trove access and expands the games you can redeem to 9 (although they often have a deal on new subscriptions to claim all 12 games).

Here's what they have this month (first three in bold have Linux native builds):

  • Nimbatus - The Space Drone Constructor
  • Deadly Days
  • ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
  • Yakuza 3 Remastered
  • The Surge 2
  • DIRT 5
  • Hammerting
  • Paradise Killer
  • Kill It With Fire
  • Bee Simulator
  • S.W.I.N.E. HD Remaster

Head over to the Humble Choice if you interested.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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3zekiel 4 years Jul 7, 2021
Not so exciting this month ... Guess will that it will be a pause again.
DebianUser Jul 7, 2021
@Liam Just an idea for improvement, maybe adding Proton rating for non-bold games ?
Ehvis Jul 7, 2021
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Quoting: DebianUser@Liam Just an idea for improvement, maybe adding Proton rating for non-bold games ?

Because the protondb ratings are so accurate?
Nibelheim Jul 8, 2021
Quoting: Ehvis
Quoting: DebianUser@Liam Just an idea for improvement, maybe adding Proton rating for non-bold games ?

Because the protondb ratings are so accurate?

It's not perfect but it's ok. Better than nothing maybe.
NoSt Jul 8, 2021
I already got 4 Yakuza games (0-3) thanks to Humble Bundle. If they keep it up, maybe in the end I'll have the entire Yakuza collection (by the way, all of them work very well with Proton).
Not many native Linux games this month, but one was on my wishlist for quite a while (ADOM), so I'm not complaining.
Termy Jul 8, 2021
Quoting: Ehvis
Quoting: DebianUser@Liam Just an idea for improvement, maybe adding Proton rating for non-bold games ?

Because the protondb ratings are so accurate?

Accurate enough for me to search all non-native games on PDB first thing after a new monthly drops ;)
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