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Couch co-op tower defense game D-Corp is officially out now

By - | Views: 13,754

Good fun to play with friends that becomes manic fast, the couch co-op tower defense game D-Corp has now left Early Access as a full game ready for you to jump in.

This isn't your usual tower defense game. You're not sat with a fancy map placing down towers and watching lines of enemies come through. Instead, you and multiple friends (4 players total) run around in a proper 3D environment. It gets truly chaotic as it's a game about micro-management with lots of running around. Resource gathering, maintaining your towers and reload them and much more. If you love the franticness found in the likes of Overcooked, you'll likely feel right at home playing D-Corp.

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Game Features:

  • 2-, 3-, or 4-player co-op through local play or via Steam Remote Play
  • Avoid dangerous cacti and stop them from overrunning your base
  • Experiment with different defense plans!
  • Scrap all resources and carry them back to your recycler
  • Throw your friend into deadly acid pool!
  • Reload, maintain and relocate a variety of turrets to protect your operation
  • Find, unlock, and wear dozens of shiny hats!
  • Fetch ammo in time before the turrets run out -- throw it if you have to!
  • This game was designed to be played with gamepads.

You can buy D-Corp on Steam. There's also a demo available.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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hardpenguin Sep 21, 2021
Frogsong Studios, supporting Linux since 2015 😎🐸
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