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Another 6 months of development later and GNOME 41 is out with plenty of enhancements for GNOME desktop fans.

"The most notable changes this in release include an improved Software app, new multitasking settings, and enhanced power management features. With these changes, GNOME is smarter, more flexible, and offers a richer and more engaging experience than ever before." - GNOME Team

You will find new selectable power modes between Balanced (the default), Performance and Power Save which can be easily changed using the System Status menu. Meanwhile GNOME Software went through a small overhaul and they say almost every part of it has been improved. Performance is another key point and focus, with many efficiency improvements making it in so it will all feel more responsive (on Wayland). There's also improvements for multitouch, GTK 4 has a new OpenGL renderer which "provides faster rendering and reduced power consumption" and the window manager Mutter got cleaned up for "long-term maintainability and efficiency"

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The new Multitasking settings panel sounds pretty good too, allowing you to fine-tune your experience so you can do things like disabling the Activities overlay hot-corner, you can disable Active Screen Edges (where you drag a window to a side to resize it) and more like being able to show workspaces on all displays instead of just the primary.

Some of the other improvements including:

  • The ability to create encrypted .zip archives in Files (these require a password to be opened).
  • A new Calendar feature that allows importing events from .ics files.
  • Improved support for dark mode in Web, along with faster pinch to zoom (on heavy websites), and better handling of unresponsive websites.
  • Better window resizing in Calculator: enlarging the window will now reveal additional controls, and the window will also shrink down to fit on mobile displays.

Check out the full release notes.

Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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mihaib Sep 23, 2021
Quoting: Phlebiac
Quoting: mihaibI am a bit curious on what this power options actually do to the system... I can't seem to find a explanation on the web. I mean what actualy does it tweak/set to achieve this.

Maybe one of these has the info you seek?

The phoronix article gives a bit more information to what it actually does. Thank you.
denyasis Sep 23, 2021
Quoting: jensFirst thing I do with gnome is installing plata-noir theme ( and papirus icon theme ( After that it is the perfect desktop for me. Small tip: learning the keyboard shortcuts makes life on Gnome way easier and using them imho fits much better into the intended way of working.

Not a gnome user at the moment.... But I like the like of those icons. Thank you for sharing.

Last edited by denyasis on 23 September 2021 at 9:12 pm UTC
slaapliedje Sep 23, 2021
Quoting: omer666
Quoting: jens
Quoting: Schattenspiegel
Quoting: jensDefine yourself with the things you love, not with the things you hate.
(Taken from somewhere on GoL)
And true to that spirit I shouted my rejection of it into the world, that my words may become real, and it shall not define me in any way shape or form henceforth. ;-)

Very cool, cannot top that mastery of language :)
And thus, shall we repent in ashamement, for we ought to reckon such mastery and craft holds no knowledgable truth beneath.
Then we have the lazy gits in the USA who drop letters out of words like armour, colour, etc. Yet we call them Elevators instead of Lifts...
jens Sep 24, 2021
  • Supporter
Quoting: Anorelsan
Quoting: jensFirst thing I do with gnome is installing plata-noir theme ( and papirus icon theme ( After that it is the perfect desktop for me. Small tip: learning the keyboard shortcuts makes life on Gnome way easier and using them imho fits much better into the intended way of working.

Curiosity bites me... Can you post a screenshot please?

I'm using gnome 40 with some bits of 41 (Debian Unstable) and for me it's perfect with the dark theme :)

I think Solus 4 uses the same theme/icon set. You can take a look here (not an article of mine, just searched the Internet and this popped up), I’m using the dark version, that page has screenshots of both the normal and the dark theme.
(Yes, it’s very dark, takes a bit of time to adjust)

Last edited by jens on 24 September 2021 at 5:07 am UTC
Anorelsan Sep 24, 2021
Quoting: jens
Quoting: Anorelsan
Quoting: jensFirst thing I do with gnome is installing plata-noir theme ( and papirus icon theme ( After that it is the perfect desktop for me. Small tip: learning the keyboard shortcuts makes life on Gnome way easier and using them imho fits much better into the intended way of working.

Curiosity bites me... Can you post a screenshot please?

I'm using gnome 40 with some bits of 41 (Debian Unstable) and for me it's perfect with the dark theme :)

I think Solus 4 uses the same theme/icon set. You can take a look here (not an article of mine, just searched the Internet and this popped up), I’m using the dark version, that page has screenshots of both the normal and the dark theme.
(Yes, it’s very dark, takes a bit of time to adjust)

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