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As if it wasn't bad enough that crypto mining has eaten up GPU reserves, bots keep taking orders as they come out and worldwide shortages all leading to high prices and low stock - now people are going on heists to nick 'em.

Yes - really. EVGA's Product Manager Jacob Freeman confirmed in an official forum post that "on October 29, 2021, a shipment of EVGA GeForce RTX 30-Series Graphics Cards was stolen from a truck en route from San Francisco to our Southern California distribution center".

With them all in high demand and having an estimated retail value from "$329.99 up to $1959.99", it's probably not all that surprising that some will sink to that level to get their hands on them, to probably hope to make a profit through crypto or selling them on elsewhere.

As always, be careful where you buy your hardware from. EVGA know the serial numbers, and you won't be able to register a stolen card and EVGA will not give you any kind of warrant on them. If you're somehow unfortunate enough to buy one on something like ebay, you would be on your own and people might perhaps even come knocking to find out where you got it from.

This must be the most frustrating time in recent memory to buy a GPU. I'm looking to upgrade myself at some point, although with Intel bringing their GPUs next year perhaps they might be worth a go.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Arehandoro Nov 5, 2021
Quoting: ShmerlGPUs - the new gold.

It's even in the name, Gold Processing Units.
Hamish Nov 6, 2021
Great time for my GPU to have suddenly quit on me isn't it?

Jokes on them though, with the drought eating into my bottom line I could not afford to replace it regardless of the market conditions. Yay me!
pete910 Nov 6, 2021
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Pound to a penny they were pinched to order!

You'd be surprised of some of the things that are stolen.
denyasis Nov 6, 2021
Heh, I remember when the Nintendo Wii came out. I worked logistics at a retailer. Literally had to escort those off the trailer with security, because people would take them off the line and hide them in the shelves in the back.

What made it weird was that it kinda wasn't exactly clear cut theft...On break, the workers would then bring the Wii's to the store front and purchase them. Some did it for themselves, for friends, and others would put that stuff online and scalp em.

So the store got the sale. Nothing stolen, but the customer never had a chance to buy it, which was crappy.
Purple Library Guy Nov 6, 2021
Quoting: HamishGreat time for my GPU to have suddenly quit on me isn't it?

Jokes on them though, with the drought eating into my bottom line I could not afford to replace it regardless of the market conditions. Yay me!
Why does drought eat into your bottom line?
pete910 Nov 6, 2021
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Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: HamishGreat time for my GPU to have suddenly quit on me isn't it?

Jokes on them though, with the drought eating into my bottom line I could not afford to replace it regardless of the market conditions. Yay me!
Why does drought eat into your bottom line?

Farmer maybe ????
Purple Library Guy Nov 6, 2021
Quoting: pete910
Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: HamishGreat time for my GPU to have suddenly quit on me isn't it?

Jokes on them though, with the drought eating into my bottom line I could not afford to replace it regardless of the market conditions. Yay me!
Why does drought eat into your bottom line?

Farmer maybe ????
That's the obvious possibility, but when I started thinking about it there were a surprising number of others. Might sell supplies farmers use, might just be in a community where farmers set the economy, or it might be something quite different. I read about a once major lake in the US that has shrunk down to tiny in the last number of years, all the boat docks are standing over cracked dried mud, fishing is done for, and the tourist trade has gone to nothing.
Or he could have a small privately owned hydroelectric dam. No water, no electricity, no moolah.

Last edited by Purple Library Guy on 6 November 2021 at 11:58 pm UTC
Hamish Nov 7, 2021
Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: pete910
Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: HamishGreat time for my GPU to have suddenly quit on me isn't it?

Jokes on them though, with the drought eating into my bottom line I could not afford to replace it regardless of the market conditions. Yay me!
Why does drought eat into your bottom line?
Farmer maybe ????
That's the obvious possibility, but when I started thinking about it there were a surprising number of others. Might sell supplies farmers use, might just be in a community where farmers set the economy, or it might be something quite different. I read about a once major lake in the US that has shrunk down to tiny in the last number of years, all the boat docks are standing over cracked dried mud, fishing is done for, and the tourist trade has gone to nothing.
Or he could have a small privately owned hydroelectric dam. No water, no electricity, no moolah.
Sorry to disappoint Purple Library Guy but pete910 was closer to the truth. In my case it was my having to feed my sheep through the summer and fall due to the grass not growing and then having to pay a premium for my usual winter feed for both the sheep and the cows. Even chicken food prices are through the roof right now.
Purple Library Guy Nov 7, 2021
Quoting: Hamish
Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: pete910
Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: HamishGreat time for my GPU to have suddenly quit on me isn't it?

Jokes on them though, with the drought eating into my bottom line I could not afford to replace it regardless of the market conditions. Yay me!
Why does drought eat into your bottom line?
Farmer maybe ????
That's the obvious possibility, but when I started thinking about it there were a surprising number of others. Might sell supplies farmers use, might just be in a community where farmers set the economy, or it might be something quite different. I read about a once major lake in the US that has shrunk down to tiny in the last number of years, all the boat docks are standing over cracked dried mud, fishing is done for, and the tourist trade has gone to nothing.
Or he could have a small privately owned hydroelectric dam. No water, no electricity, no moolah.
Sorry to disappoint Purple Library Guy but pete910 was closer to the truth. In my case it was my having to feed my sheep through the summer and fall due to the grass not growing and then having to pay a premium for my usual winter feed for both the sheep and the cows. Even chicken food prices are through the roof right now.
So you're saying what you have to pay for chicken feed isn't just chicken feed.
slaapliedje Nov 10, 2021
This seems just as likely the plot of a Sopranos episode than an old West movie.
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