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Colony building, automation and logistics galore in Kubifaktorium out now

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Kubifaktorium isn't as well known as a number of other building sims but it's certainly an interesting one and now it has left Early Access as a finished game. Developed by a small two-person indie studio based in Sankt Augustin, Germany. This is their second game following BossConstructor in 2016.

It's got quite a mixture of genres here and doesn't seem to really fit into any alone. There's city-building a little like Settlers and plenty of automation a bit like Factorio. Not surprising, as the developers mentioned those games (amongst others) as inspiration.

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Game Features:

  • Build, manage and grow a thriving colony and discover new lands in Kubifaktorium. The game features different biomes to explore, plenty of resources to exploit, complex machinery to build and interesting production chains to master.
  • The heart of your colony consists of loyal colonists who will mine resources, farm crops and craft tools and weapons. Each colonist has a different set of skills which will change based of the jobs he or she performs. Managing your colonists' needs and abilities is vital to ensuring your colony's efficiency.
  • In the course of the campaign you explore and colonize multiple islands and encounter different biomes. Each biome features new challenges but also new resources to discover and process.
  • While your colonists are awesome, their work power is limited. Fortunately, your colonists know how to craft advanced machinery like automated farms, smelters and more, which you can use to automate more and more of your production.
  • As your colony grows and your production hums along, transporting the resources you need becomes a bottleneck. Kubifaktorium features a number of transportation systems like trains, conveyor belts, zeppelins and more. Automated depots and inserters are there to help you store, sort and keep track of all your goods.
  • The game is designed to be mod friendly and allows players to create anything from new goods and industries to total conversions with new terrains, scenery and stories. Created mods can be published and managed via the Steam Workshop.

Available to buy with Linux support from Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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14 Dec 18, 2021
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I played the demo probably like 2 years ago now when it was on itch. I liked it and wanted more. I'll have to pick up the final release soon.
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