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The classic Naev, a free and open source space sim version 0.9 released

By - | Views: 22,497

Time to explore space once again? Naev is an absolute classic. It's free, open source and it continues to mature with some more modern features available in the new 0.9 release. A space trading, combat and exploration game inspired by the likes of the Escape Velocity series.

Check out their new trailer:

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Release 0.9 highlights include:

  • Electronic warfare revamp with stealth and illegal cargo and outfits
  • Systems have patrol routes for dominating factions
  • Visual novel system for new missions with support for mini-games
  • Complete rebalance and overhaul of most outfits that can have complex behaviours now
  • Rehauled backgrounds, new trails, and other graphical improvements
  • Lots of new content including 40 new missions

You can grab Naev free from, Steam the official site as an AppImage and Flathub.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Pendragon Dec 23, 2021
Ooo interesting.. I'll have to check it out
Craggles086 Dec 24, 2021
Always meant to spend time with this one, as an old Escape Velocity fan. Might now be the time!
syxbit Dec 27, 2021
There's currently no voice acting, but will be in a future update. To me, high quality voice acting is an integral part of point and click adventure games. I'll wait to see how that turns out. Maybe I'll play it next Christmas.
tuubi Dec 27, 2021
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Quoting: syxbitThere's currently no voice acting, but will be in a future update. To me, high quality voice acting is an integral part of point and click adventure games.
Did you mean to comment on some other article? I see a "Visual novel system for new missions" in the feature list, but I don't think Naev is anything like a point and click adventure game for the most part.
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