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Easily install and upgrade Proton GE or Luxtorpeda with ProtonUp-Qt

By - | Views: 27,198

There are certain Windows games that work better on Linux with the community-built unofficial Proton GE, plus using Luxtorpeda for Native Linux game engines can give a lot of benefits too - here's how to easily download or upgrade them using the fab ProtonUp-Qt.

It's an application based on the command-line tool ProtonUp, however ProtonUp-Qt actually gives you a full UI and it really just makes everything nice and simple. Do you use Lutris or the Heroic Games Launcher? ProtonUp-Qt can also easily setup Wine-GE for you too.

To install it simply grab it from Flathub or run the AppImage from the releases page. This couldn't be simpler! Once installed you get this easy to understand UI to pick between Steam, Lutris and Heroic and then install whatever compatibility tool you want that it supports by hitting "Add version":

What? Were you expecting this to be complicated? There are no other steps needed.

I absolutely love tools like this. Makes it easier for everyone.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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CyborgZeta Jan 7, 2022
Very handy tool; glad to see it available on Flathub. Despite using an Arch-based system, I do use the Steam Flatpak.

I was using an unofficial Flatpak build of Proton-GE, but installing it with this is probably the better option.
officernice Jan 7, 2022
junibegood Jan 8, 2022
This turns a process that took 10 minutes (and that's because I'm lucky apparently and never had any issue) in a process that takes 10 seconds. Always good to have. :)
strangeralps Jan 9, 2022
Liam, thanks for posting this. I believe you've mentioned it in the past but this is the first time I've tried it.

Tried the appimage. Ridiculously simple and quick. Plus, it downloads Roberta and Boxtron as well if desired.

Great pick :)
Purple Library Guy Jan 9, 2022
Quoting: strangeralpsLiam, thanks for posting this. I believe you've mentioned it in the past but this is the first time I've tried it.

Tried the appimage. Ridiculously simple and quick. Plus, it downloads Roberta and Boxtron as well if desired.

Great pick :)
Ooo, Boxtron too? I was wondering about that, and I've been wanting to see if Boxtron handled a couple of my old Dosbox games, like mostly MOO2, better.
Roberta I'm not so sure--should I really be downloading my aunt?
Nanobang Jan 9, 2022
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I was waiting for this. I didn't know I was waiting for this, but I have, in fact, been waiting for this. I love Steam for many reasons, but I always breath just a little easier knowing I have an alternative somewhere nearby.

Thank you dev, and thank you Liam for spreading the good word. :)
cprn Jan 10, 2022
As @officernice said - on Arch based distros install from AUR:
yay -S protonup-qt

If you have a high pixel density screen you might want to run it with a scale factor, e.g. with a script:
env QT_SCALE_FACTOR=2 /usr/bin/net.davidotek.pupgui2

Also, for whatever reason on my install it doesn't theme according to qt5ct so no dark theme.

Last edited by cprn on 10 January 2022 at 8:15 pm UTC
Torqachu Jan 11, 2022
Quoting: cprnAlso, for whatever reason on my install it doesn't theme according to qt5ct so no dark theme.
In the appimage version, the choice of theme is under the about button. (I'm still wondering why it's there)
maybe it is the same in the aur version.
cprn Jan 11, 2022
Quoting: Torqachu
Quoting: cprn[...] no dark theme.
[...] the choice of theme is under the about button. [...]
Thanks, found it, works.

Last edited by cprn on 11 January 2022 at 2:04 am UTC
wit_as_a_riddle Mar 29, 2022
Hey Liam,

Can you update this article to mention ProtonUP-Qt can be installed from the Discovery App?
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