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Quiet ocean survival-adventure Aquamarine launches January 20

By - | Views: 10,484

A quiet survival adventure about perception and discovery in an alien ocean. The crowdfunded game Aquamarine is now confirmed to be launching on January 20. According to the official announcement on Steam that includes "Windows, Mac and Linux".

"You play as a lone space traveler known only as The Seeker, whose starcraft is intercepted by a malicious signal while orbiting an uncharted planet covered in water. Forced to eject from her malfunctioning starcraft, The Seeker is marooned on a tiny island surrounded by an endless alien ocean, with nothing but her amphibious survival pod. Throughout her underwater journey to reach her crashed starcraft, she'll uncover the lost history of this planet reclaimed by the elements, and learn the true nature of why she ended up here."

Check out their new trailer, which IGN showed off:

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Available on GOG and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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CatKiller Jan 14, 2022
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This looks exactly like the kind of game I'm planning on enjoying on the Steam Deck, so I hope they'll have their native build (not currently listed) and controller support (not currently listed) sorted by the time I have my unit, and that the text isn't too tiny.
NoSt Jan 16, 2022
Quoting: CatKillerThis looks exactly like the kind of game I'm planning on enjoying on the Steam Deck, so I hope they'll have their native build (not currently listed) and controller support (not currently listed) sorted by the time I have my unit, and that the text isn't too tiny.

They had a Linux demo during one of Steam Next Fests last year, so I don't doubt they will release a native Linux build.
I enjoyed playing the demo, and I think I'll get the game (though likely not right after the release).
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