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Retro-styled 3D racer Super Indie Karts gets a new 'Mission Mania' mode

By - | Views: 13,972

Love a bit of Mario Kart or other similar games? Check out Super Indie Karts, which recently had a big content update. Could be a great one to play on the Steam Deck!

Super Indie Karts is a classic retro '90s style karting game featuring a large curation of Indiegame karts and Indiegame themed race tracks, in both the 16-bit flat Super style and the 64-bit low poly Ultra style. With Time Trials, Grand Prix, Splitscreen GP, Quick Race, and a few Battle Modes.. there's plenty of ways to tackle the tracks!

This is the first big update in a while too, here's what's new:

  • Added "Mission Mania" play mode
  • Beat missions like "Collect 20 Race Jewels", "Knock over 5 tyre stacks", "Beat a ghost race" etc
  • Complete the 9 missions in Book1 to unlock a new character!
  • Added Mission In Snowdriftland Sapphire Cup prologue track
  • Added Chubby Snow to the racer's roster
  • Converted scripts of entire project from javascript to c# language - this was a large undertaking but means the project is no longer stuck using the now 6 year old Unity5 engine and should make it a less daunting task to stay updated in future, also upgraded Unity version
  • plenty of bug fixes and improvements in many areas

Check out the new trailer:

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Find it on Steam. A full release is planned for sometime during either this year or 2023.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Lofty Jan 31, 2022
If you ever need a good casual single player game to pootle around on whilst watching your favorite streamer this is it. I have a lot of fun dipping into this game from time to time. It should be a great fit for the Steam Deck.
RFSharpe Jan 31, 2022
At first glance, this game reminds me of one of my favorite DOS games from Apogee Software called Wacky Wheels. The mechanics of the game were simple, but game play was quite addictive. When I did a search, I was surprised to find that Wacky Wheels was still available and on Steam.

Super Indie Karts is definitely a significant improvement over Wacky Wheels, but the game still has a ways to go to match the free and open-source SuperTuxKart.
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