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Steam Deck on track for the end of February

By - | Views: 19,326

Good news, following the previous delay and even with the pandemic and global shortages Valve has announced that the Steam Deck is still on track to ship by the end of February.

Writing in a fresh post, Valve said that testing for the Steam Deck Verified program is underway, which we already knew since Portal 2 got recently officially verified. It's also currently still the only one.

Testing for developers directly is important of course, which is why Valve continues to send out developers kits. Another wave has been approved, with "hundreds" being shipped out in the last month and Valve say more continue to be approved and thanked developers for their patience.

So it's all good news and hopefully soon actual consumers will have their hands on their first real devices.

Valve also included this shot showing a bunch of them in the KDE Plasma desktop mode:

If you missed it, we recently took a look at how the Steam Top 100 will play on Linux (and so the Steam Deck with SteamOS 3). Valve and developers still have plenty of work ahead to get the device into a sweet spot. It's not just compatibility with native Linux or Windows builds in Proton, it's also dealing with the screen size for text clarity and gamepad support, both of which we hope to see more developers fix up.

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slaapliedje Jan 16, 2022
Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: Eike
Quoting: BielFPs
Quoting: slaapliedjeUhm, there has been one delay.
First was predicted to February 2022, now @Arehandoro said:

Quoting: ArehandoroMy order availability now says after Q2 2022.
The original release date was Christmas 2021.

That's their personal date, not the general release date. Everybody preordering gets a personal prediction when their respective order might actually happen.
Yeah. And lots of those were running way into 2022 even when the general release date was still Christmas. We were talking about that stuff in like the first couple of days of pre-order.
Mine went from Q1 to Q2, so one delay. I have plenty of toys to keep me distracted until it shows up anyhow. :P
BielFPs Jan 16, 2022
Quoting: EikeThat's their personal date, not the general release date. Everybody preordering gets a personal prediction when their respective order might actually happen.

Is there anyone who already received? (common customers)
Purple Library Guy Jan 16, 2022
Quoting: BielFPs
Quoting: EikeThat's their personal date, not the general release date. Everybody preordering gets a personal prediction when their respective order might actually happen.

Is there anyone who already received? (common customers)
So the history of this is, the Steam Deck has been delayed once, as Eike said. They announced it. Initially, it was going to start shipping sometime in December, I believe. It was then delayed to February. So no, nobody has already received one because it's not February yet.

However, there were many, many pre-orders. The earlier you pre-ordered, the closer to launch your order would be expected to arrive, since you'd be at the front of the queue. And people who pre-ordered have a thing telling them when their particular machine would be expected to arrive. From almost the very beginning, the queue was long enough for people further down it to have expected dates quite a bit later than the date the Steam Deck is expected to start shipping. However, one's spot in the queue and how great the delay before one's particular machine arrives is quite distinct from whether the Deck beginning to ship has been delayed. That date has been delayed once; it has not been delayed repeatedly.

All this stuff is not really subject to discussion or argument, it's just the facts.
BielFPs Jan 16, 2022
Quoting: Purple Library GuyAll this stuff is not really subject to discussion or argument, it's just the facts.
Well it isn't me "discussing" anything about the delay, if it's about Im using plural in my original comment, it's because I'm talking about @Arehandoro not receiving neither december nor february according to him, and this is also a fact.
slaapliedje Jan 17, 2022
Quoting: BielFPs
Quoting: Purple Library GuyAll this stuff is not really subject to discussion or argument, it's just the facts.
Well it isn't me "discussing" anything about the delay, if it's about Im using plural in my original comment, it's because I'm talking about @Arehandoro not receiving neither december nor february according to him, and this is also a fact.
They've never stated months, except the initial hope of shipping before the end of the year. Unless he got spot on the very first bit of the queue, then he would never have gotten it in February. Unless of course Q1 changed Definitions; it is January-March. Since all of them were delayed, you end up with Q2 for shipping date; which would be April-June. Who knows if they can ramp up production fast enough, or it takes longer. None of us know.

But the fact remains, there has been exactly ONE delay.
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