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After 7 months of seeing the Linux user share on Steam continue to grow, December saw 2021 end with it dropping slightly. The results can be seen on our Steam Tracker, which shows some trends over time, taken from the official opt-in Steam Hardware Survey.

December 2021 saw the Linux user share at 1.11%.

Something we've seen a few times, is that when the number of Simplified Chinese language users rises on Steam, the Linux numbers drop and it appears to be what has happened once again this time. It's not always the case, as we have seen times where Linux has risen regardless but it is often the cause.

This year we do have the Steam Deck releasing, with the first batch of orders going live next month so we're very keen to see how this will affect the numbers. Hopefully they will be included in the survey, although it's possible Valve will separate them somehow.

According to Steam these are the most popular distributions with gamers on their platform:

  • Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS 64 bit 17.90% +1.48%
  • "Manjaro Linux" 64 bit 11.96% -0.98%
  • "Arch Linux" 64 bit 11.42% -0.69%
  • Linux Mint 20.2 64 bit 7.50% +0.46%
  • Ubuntu 21.10 64 bit 6.31% +0.89%
  • Pop!_OS 21.04 64 bit 5.54% -1.77%
  • Other 39.38% +9.31%
Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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lucinos Jan 3, 2022
from last December 0.78 to 1.11 it is +42%

Last edited by lucinos on 3 January 2022 at 7:01 pm UTC
pete910 Jan 3, 2022
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Quoting: BlackBloodRumWith regards to the cache thing, I was referring to this:

Little bugs like this :D

I tend to notice them more since I currently run the latest of everything (newest kernels, drivers etc) with all updated daily.

Must have been luck for me to have had that bug, On 5.15.12 atm

I've not bothered with RC kernels for a while.
BlackBloodRum Jan 4, 2022
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Yup the bug is fixed now as I'm also on 5.15.12, the problem only affected 5.15.5 and was fixed in 5.15.6. For the most part it would be unnoticeable for the average user if you don't watch for boot warnings.

The affect was also minimal, worst case the bug makes you lose a little data under a very specific condition, namely a power loss/instant power off when writing data since the cache has not been setup properly. Generally if there's no power loss, there would be no problem even with this bug in place.

But it's long fixed now and only made it into distros which use latest kernels, so no big deal
GreydMiyu Jan 6, 2022
It isn't as bad as it seems. As I was reading this article I was also listening to this video from Bellular News. Steam was banned/blocked in China on purpose/by accident (all depends on who you talk to). If you pop over to the Steam Tracker and scroll down to the English/Non-English stats you'll see that English Steam usage had a slight dip while they Non-English Steam usage had a larger dip. IE, people who would have been counted in the last week of December from China were prevented from being counted, causing a drop.
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